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Level Up (A5E) (+) Project Chronicle: Flora and Fauna


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
From the dense jungles of Ngo where screaming demons sit upon the branches and hurls curses down upon travelers, through the yellow grass sea of Imba, across the Annam Desert where the scorvids circle the thirsty with wicked glee, I have traveled. From shining Musarra on the hill to the Green Valley of Achelb where the lash falls and lotus is harvested by calloused hands, blackened from it's ichorous sweetness. In all of these places, and so many more have I traveled. And across them, a wondrous variety of murderous animals, miraculous plants, and cruel fate binding them all together.

In these pages I will give you all that I know of them. And hope that it is enough for you to protect yourself.

-The Chronicler-

So some things we've already come to ideas on. Herbaceous plants that can be used to heal, the bantuar predacious beast, and Black Lotus (Or some other description of plant) which can be used to curb the negative effects of Corruption, but is also an addictive drug that people who are corrupted might use for escapist enjoyment.

I've also mentioned Scorvids. Which are going to be Winged Scorpions. Won't that be fun?! They'll mostly glide on interlocking leg segments after jumping off of Dunes or Rock Piles as a way to both cover distance quickly and avoid overheating from contact with desert sands... but probably "Only" be bird-sized.

Compilation of Project Chronicle Links: Project Chronicle: Master List - The Homebrewery
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Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
I think most monsters should be Beasts and Monstrosities, most likely. Griffons, Scorvids, Bantuar. Different varieties of more or less dangerous desert animals. Perhaps different tiers of things like Giant Snakes so that concept can still be a danger to a high level character, to some degree or another, without it being an outright Dragon.

Like a CR 12 "Serpent's Child" where it's a 50 foot long cobra with poison to kill an elephant and a massive strength score and striking reach, so you have situations where people might run down narrow corridors to slow it down while trying to fight it... Rather than Giant Snakes maxing out at CR 2.

Also worth noting... Dragons. Shockingly, dragons rarely fit into Swords and Sorcery outside of 3 roles:

Wandering beasts that function as Apex Predators in their area which has no surviving villages in it.
The "Protector" of the land, who consumes a tribute (Usually a virgin) once a month, season, or year.
Ancient evils from a darker age, wicked and wise, greedy and of long memories, a danger that -might- be reasoned with...

Dragons are rarely, if ever, presented as unmitigated sources of Good or Justice within a Sword and Sorcery setting.

Lamassu, on the other hand... Sphinxes... These might be more appropriate to take on the role of good, or at least not wicked, massive flying beasts to whom one may turn for aid.

Speaking of Sphinxes... What are people's thoughts on giving them -Feathered- manes rather than Lion's manes? The Nemes Headcloth worn by Pharaoh in Il'sha-ah might bear the blue and gold banding to mimic the outward lines of a feather maned Sphinx, known for it's wisdom and judgement... Which could give it a neat tie into the world itself.


Parths; mountain dwelling, smallish carnivores, with vicious natures, about the size of a honey badger, but scaled like a pangolin. They are rarely seen and not especially dangerous on their own. However, at irregular intervals they respond to the anger of the Beast and hordes of them, numbering in the tens of thousands, race from the mountains to the sea, in a savage river, devouring any living thing in their way, even whole villages. Reaching the sea, they cast themselves, lemming-like to their deaths.

Giant camel spiders; just because you can!

Ghost Serpents; undead snakes that possess the malevolent ability to temporarily possess human minds.


This might be useful. The scorpion people look scary, though might have to separate from Dwayne Johnson (or not):


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Welp! There's a list and a half for us to use! Very cool, @GuyBoy!

Also definitely means I should have Gnolls and Scorpionfolk in the setting.


An idea for creatures of a goodly nature, linked (in more ways than one!) to the Flower:

Melissae; intelligent giant bees. They often act as messengers of the Flower, and will also reward those who show great kindness to other, or carry out a task that favours the Flower, by a gift of Melissaean Honey.
This honey can cure wounds (2d8?), give advantage on saves v poison or disease, and, if placed in the mouth of a dead person, prevents that person ever raising as undead.

The inspiration is the Cretan religion, whose priestesses were called Melissa, meaning “bee” and giving rise to the modern name. The bee, like the Flower, was a symbol of life and goodness.


The Melissae can, and do, sting in self defence or to defend others, but, just as with all bees, this is an act of self-sacrifice as they die after stinging.


This might be useful. The scorpion people look scary, though might have to separate from Dwayne Johnson (or not):
View attachment 140868
So in D&D terms, these creatures possibly are:

Kululu: merrows
Uridimmu: jackalweres
Kusarikku: satyrs, korreds, and bulezau
Akhkhazu: ghouls, ghasts, and maurezhi
Aqrabuamelu: tlincalli
Gud-alim: aurochs, possibly with the half-dragon template
Alu: night hags
Labbu: any sort of dragon
Rabisu: vampire
Ugallu: centaurs with the half blue-dragon template
Musmahhu: hydra

Voidrunner's Codex

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