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The Hyperborean High Council: Sælune of the Obsidian Sentry

The Obsidian Sentry are the strongest warriors in all of Hyperborea, they are the handpicked guardians of the Ultimate, and his personal Super Elite. They are all members of the High Council (Like the Senate if you will chosen of 1,000 of Hyperborea's most prominent warriors, all the most powerful in Hyperborea, the average is roughly 4,000 HD) but chosen for their valor, loyalty and unshaking conviction in the cause in which they're engaged. All of them perfectly willing to lay down all the joys of their lives if they should need to.

Sælune also happens to be the Protege and lover of the Ultimate and remains his Consort to this day. Beyond all others, and though some may be stronger, she is The Ultimate's favored Champion.

This was originally one of my wife's characters. She got this character up to about level 4k. We unfortunately lost the original sheet but we remembered the base idea of how she fought. So this is a recreation of her creation and the backstory presented were things from her storyline.


Hyperborean High Council: Sælune of the Obsidian Sentry

Consort of The Ultimate, Praetorian of the Rainbow Lotus, “One Punch Cat”

You see the Hyperborean ships arrayed in an armada in the upper atmosphere, their transwarp drives glistening in the distance with a beautiful rainbow light.

You knew this day was coming, and as such the stars have aligned, literally, you’ve called out to the armies of Sidereals, and though the numbers you had hoped for didn't arrive, a significant force has, over a thousand Sidereals and their godly followers have aligned themselves to your cause, more than enough you believe.

They float in temporary bases, like cities floating in space, some quite elaborate and beautiful, looking like floating gardens.

The Sidereals armies are arrayed outside, creating a semicircular battle line between the planet and the Hyperborean ships. Mainly Gods, you're happy they're here at least.. Their Divine Auras like strings of multicolored Christmas lights in the distance.

The much more prominent auras of the Sidereals behind them hundreds of times larger glowing with Cosmic might.

You called too to the Demiurges floating lazily in their endless dreams in the Pleroma, though they didn't even acknowledge you however, and you even risked possible annihilation and courted several Anomalies who, for a great cost, have come to aid this poor planet.

At least that’s what the inhabitants believe, they pray to you even now, their prayers, their quintessence, like a neck rub or a nap, filling you with restoration, you however know that with the opening moments of this battle, this world and all it’s inhabitants, will be dead, their little fragile lives, their hopes, memories, all civilization will disintegrate in moments burned away by energies so unimaginable, by these fragile mortals, that they won’t even be able to fathom it.

You’ve made peace with that.

Your eclectic army looks on, it’s a motley crew but their power is staunch, you believe your chances are good. The Hyperborean Legionnaire Narahsa was set to make an appearance today, to handle this situation personally. The Anomalies should be able to handle him, you think to yourself, that is why you paid them after all, risking ostracization by the Sidereal Community at large, and even by perhaps the demiurges, (they wouldn’t lift a finger after all, you did call to them first) but you’ve decided you’d deal with that later.

Only one Demiurge, Khorvanis the Intercessor, and his small crew of Neutronium Golems arrived from that lot, his gray light like a second sun within the sky, the neutronium golems like 6 red lights in a wedge between the hyperborean ships and himself.

An eternity seems to go by, the hundred tentacles of the anomalies float interweaving throughout the sky, one looking like a tangled mess of plant matter, another like a pac-man like red dwarf star, another made of endless octopus like tentacles and eyes that drive you to madness when you stare too long, your charms appear to still be keeping the people safe from that, for now at least. To some degree, you believe, or perhaps, you hope, maybe you can still save them.

Suddenly, a massive seemingly two dimensional rectangular gateway arrives far off in the distance, perhaps a couple astronomical units out, a doorway of the purest white, the energy of the far off Pleroma, in it’s center, the mighty accretion disk aura of the Warrior, Narahsa.

He has arrived.

The gateway heralding him however boggles the mind, like most things from that place, it barely makes sense seeming to be both in the background and foreground simultaneously.

As quickly as it arrives, it winks out.

Now, distance and measure snap back to a semblance of normal understanding, and Narahsa’s gigantic chrome almond shaped ship can be easily seen, his aura surrounding it. The tension becomes thick and palpable as the moment you’ve prepared for has arrived.

The other hyperborean ships part and seem to be awaiting instruction, giving way for their leader.

The ship approaches, closer than the others, only a few tens of thousand of miles off, and stops. There’s a pause, and then the surface of the craft wobbles, Quark Matter, and then moves like water, and a form can be seen moving through the non-Newtonian surface, exiting the ship.

It’s Him. He’s massive, his Giga-Chad like build easily seen, his body ripples with insane muscle and he is covered in massive gaudy sparkling jewels, the light of his aura dancing upon them like fire. He wears no shoes, and no shirt, his drapery like pants pinching off around his ankles, his glorious black mane framing his leonine face, his dark eyes pierce to your heart. Luckily his gaze is not on you, First One, but rather locked on Khorvanis.

The Lion man smiles and begins to speak.

“Khorvanis! Intriguing… to think they have incited the Omega Watch to come to their aid, I feel… honored. I’ve long awaited the day I could splatter your brains and decorate the night sky with them..” He laughs quietly to himself, the menace palpable, “They must have had to pull some serious strings to get you to arrive, I didn’t think it was your forte to involve yourself with such, insignificant beings… ha… ha… ha!” He chuckles to himself mockingly.

Khorvanis responds, uninterested in any chatter, his glowing eyes hard, but relaxed upon the Hyperborean. “An invasion from the Pleroma is definitely something I am interested in stopping. Lord Avinion will certainly not stand for this level of incursion. I suggest, you and your lackeys leave before this escalates. Your ships cannot withstand me, or my allies. Neither can you…” His eyes narrow on the massive bestial being. His hand resting on the brightest of his three glowing swords, the other two move as if controlled by his very thoughts.

Narahsa watches for a moment. His leonine gaze looking, disappointed, perhaps.

“Avinion? Ha! Your logic is flawed. You call upon the name of a husk, a dead god who cares nothing for this universe of yours, he’ll stop no invasion, there will be no grand rescue as you erroneously believe… no… there is just you, and them” motioning to the neutralizers, “Yet, as much as I want to crush you and tear those supposedly undrawn swords from your disembodied arms, I am a simple observer here today..” He smiles slyly and his eyes narrow wickedly. “I’m here with -my- leader, who wanted to handle this, personally…"

“Your leader?” Khorvanis asks, with a look of confusion, then deep concern, the golems immediately take an attack formation and Khorvanis looks around.

A second later a massive concussive blast and a series of debilitating white flashes of blinding light, with a barrage of red slash mark like cuts and a chorus of screams rocks the night sky and threatens to shake the world apart. The immolations of the thousand Sidereals you arrayed and their Divine cohorts explode like multicolored fireworks so far out in the distance they’re absolutely harmless.

The Anomalies immediately flee, and suddenly it’s just you, the mortals, none of which have been harmed, and Khorvanis.

A third voice speaks

“Khorvanis, Go. This world is lost to you. Flee now before you fall as well.” A woman’s voice, calm and stern, the speaker still unseen. He looks before himself, crouched in a defensive position, hand on his hilt, readying himself for an incoming attack, waiting to counter. Narahsa looks on in a sort of a indulgent gaze, unmoving but his eyes move with adoration, like he’s watching a master at work.

The first Neutralizer falls, you didn’t even see what did it, you travel back in time a moment calling upon your Seventh Sense, and you see what can only be described as a massive lion ash gray and made of mist materialize for a moment in a flash of absolute intensity, and in a single swipe slash through the neutronium golem, tearing it in half as it’s starquake shakes the sky.

The second blast as another neutralizer falls, they rally their weapons and fire, waves of vibrant blinding violet x-ray light, the spherical flashes leaving no escape. Yet somehow they appear to hit nothing. They use their gravitic powers to lock onto, something, but as soon as they spread out in an attack formation and approach, the remaining 4 Neutralizers explode into showers of Neutronium chunks, each small piece the equivalent of mile wide meteors, like a cosmic shotgun, raining devastation upon the land.. Extinction.

Or at least that’s what it should do, but the chunks never hit, again you look back through time and see the strange lion simultaneously catch all the pieces moving in several places at once, how’s she -doing- that?

Khorvanis looks on, wild eyed and backing up, hand still on his hilt, he turns around for but a moment and attacks! There’s a massive explosion of energy. Once again the sky is lit with the sound of a cascade of blows, you can barely keep up as the two move so fast, Khorvanis’s blades, still sheathed, move in a symphony of blows with lightning speed, and yet they clash upon a cascade of claws and hit nothing but space.

The battle is brief, but decisive. After a short and intense battle, Khorvanis, protector of Eternity, Champion of Avinion and strongest being in this cosmos lays defeated. His body disappearing in a blinding flash of gray light.

And then, there’s just you.

The Hyperborean ships move in closer, the mortals shriek in terror and panic. The voice speaks again, “He'll be back, I have no reason to permanently destroy, him, nor would I rob my companion of the pleasure.." Narahsa nods approvingly "You however… You would sacrifice these people. And for what?”

This can’t be happening, what -is- she? What even is she? This is insane. This has to be an illusion, a false reality projected by the Hyperboreans, or perhaps they’ve sent you into some kind of technological simulation, this is impossible!

Unable to feign your fear and astonishment, you respond
“S… So these people would not be slaves! Would not be conquered”

“Conquered? Conquered by who?” The being now again invisible asks incredulously. “ We are NOT conquerers. We are liberators! We have come to uplift this civilization from the mud and submission they know, to be thrust into the stars! All their problems, their wars, their sadness, their frustration, their medical problems, their pain, all of this will melt away! In mere days they will advance 5 hundred years. In the weeks to come far beyond that. We will see these people risen to their highest form!” The voice says with jubilation and fury.

You open your mouth to speak but before you can make a sound a mighty gray lion appears in a flash of mist, grasps you around your neck with paws that act like hands, and the massive beast stares into you, gray eyes, gray translucent mane, the face of a beast, she’s larger than a dire tiger she lifts you clean off the ground.

“You however would see this civilization burn to ash, feed them falsehoods and lies, allow them to fantasize that this hideous reality they live in, wallowing in shi-t! Scraping and begging for scraps thrown by so called gods that care nothing about them more than what quintessence they can harvest out of them! As if this is somehow in their best interest!” She tightens her grip, her eyes wide in indignant rage. “You would let them all die for your petty ideas of heroic final last stands, under the false prognostication that this was in their benefit. Well… I don’t believe in last stands, nor do I believe in gods who only cause pain!”

She raises her other claw, you try to move backwards in time, but she matches you, you pull against her hand but all your might can’t move a finger, now solidified you are horrified that she seems to be made of pure Quark Matter, even her fur, strand by strand appears to be made of the stuff, you unleash an epic spell of such potency it could melt a hemisphere, but it neutralizes against her. Entirely negated. Helplessly you flail, like prey.

She calms down, her eyes burning with cold hatred.

“We.. will see these people liberated, see them freed and made whole, and once they see the darkness and evil that once had them, they will become one with the New Dynasty. As have all those who come before them.”

She pulls her arm back, muscles and sinew tensing.
“Long Live Hyperborea. Long Live the Ultimate!”

A single swipe, a flash of pain, and then, nothing but darkness...

Hyperborean Obsidian Sentry, Perfection Rank 1200
Large Outsider (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
∞/ [6,000d1,000 (Tome Shadow Dancer, Ghost Faced Killer, Yogi Gestalt) +28,248,000] x1500 (51,363,000,000 hp)
Initiative: ∞/ +1,808 (+600 Dexterity +1200 Divine, +8 Superior Initiative), Always Acts First
Speed: Superluminal x300, Base Speed 9,000,000 feet, Starflight 1d3 Minutes

Armor Class: ∞/ 29,195 (+4,675 Deflection, +5,875 Monk AC Bonus +600 Dexterity +1,200 Divine, +2,400 Circumstance, +1,212 Luck, 1,213 Insight, +12,020 Natural)
Flat-Footed: 28,595 Touch: 17,175

Space/Reach: 15 ft./ Infinite
Base Attack/Grapple: +6,000/ +30,623


-Shadow Strike+ Omnific Prana Effect+ Transcendent Atomic, Kinetic and Cosmic Effect :
∞/ +30,595 ranged or Line of Sight (All Creation) Ranged Touch (Unearthly Reach)

-Claws and Teeth: ∞/ +30,595 Melee, Cannot Miss/ Flat Footed Touch, 1,500 attacks each limb, 4,500 attacks +Rake, Range 300,000,000,000 Lightyears (6 Universes, Transversal) Melee Touch attack

-Shadow Strike+ Omnific Prana Effect+ Transcendent Atomic, Kinetic and Cosmic Effect: 3,000d20 Shadow/Cold, +12,000d1,000 Prana Ray, +6,000d20 Cosmic Ray, +6,000d100 Transcendent Kinetic Effect, +12,000d1,000 Blast Force, +12,000d1,000 Disintegration, +6,000d1,000 Fire, +1,000 Radiation Damage, +6,000d1,000 Wind (Omnific Atomic Effect) x5 (Average 84,900,000 damage 17-20/x5 Crit)

-Claws and Teeth: ∞/ 1,536,000d1,000+ 9,350 +3,000d6 Sneak Attack +Cozen, +18,000d1,000 Prana Hand (Paw), +9,000d20 Cosmic Strike, +9,000d100 Transcendent Kinetic Effect, +18,000d1,000 Blast Force, +18,000d1,000 Disintegration, +9,000d1,000 Fire, +500 Radiation Damage, +9,000d1,000 Wind (Omnific Atomic Effect) x5 (Average ∞/ 7,712,739,375 damage 13-20/x5 crit)

Special Attacks: Unarmed Strike, Frightful Attack 2,000/day, Frightful Cleave, Sudden Strike 2,000d6, Mirrorshard Claws, Pounce, Rake, Grab, Shadow Strike 3000d20, Agni Prana 3,000d1,000, Shadow Pounce, Deeper Darkness, Sneak Attack 3,000d6, Centered Strike, Find Weakness, Nirvana Strike

Special Abilities: Yogic Focus, Breath Control, Second Wind, Shattering Strike, Mist Form, Ghost Step, Shadow Slide, Shadow Door, Shadow Vanish, Shadow Walk, Spells, Adaption, Phantasmal Image, Wish (CL: level 7,213), Starflight 1d3 minutes, Unravel Magic, Unfettered Sight

Special Qualities: Aura 629,145,600 Lightyears (601 Lightyears base + Enlarge Aura x 20) Fast Movement, Supreme Concentration, AC Bonus, Ghost Sight, Mist Sight, Know Falsehood, Improved Hardihood, Insight, Inviolate Body, Regeneration 3,000, Fast Healing 20, See in Darkness, See False Face, Shadow Friend, Cosmic Consciousness (All Creation), DR 6,000,000/--, Ki Pool, Perfection Bonus +1,200, Adaption, Divine Power, Cosmic Power, Perfect Health, Transcendent Power, Omnific Power, SR 7,225 (11,898 with Unravel Magic

Boons: Blessing of the Destroyer

Saves: Can’t fail saves, all saves at ∞ due to Infinite Strength and Equilibrium coupled with Transiliency on all Saves, Fort ∞/ +27,585, Ref ∞/+27,585, Will ∞/+27,585

Abilities: all abilites at ∞ due to Infinite Strength and Equilibrium (2400, 732, 15, 25, 250, 10)

Str ∞/ 9,360 +4,675 (4,680 base x2 Legendary Strength)
Dex ∞/ 9,360 +4,675 (600 base)
Con ∞/ 9,360 +4,675 (6,190 base boosted due to VSCs)
Int ∞/ 9,360 +4,675 (2,450 base)
Wis ∞/ 9,360 +4,675 (2,450 base
Cha ∞/ 9,360 +4,675 (2,460 base)

Skills: Omnicompetent and Maven, all skills= ∞/ 7,223 + Relevant Ability Modifier (4,675) meaning all skills are at 11,918 with a roll of ‘20’

(Sælune gains 1,200 Divine Abilities, and a bonus Divine, Cosmic, Transcendent and Omnific Power, giving her the equivalent of roughly 5.5 Omnific Abilities but also has 3000 feats to distribute which equates to roughly 2.3 more Omnific Level abilities )

Feats: Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Gorgon’s Strike, Improved Critical, Improved Crit Multiplier, Improved Initiative, Medusa’s Wrath, Scorpion Style, Two Weapon Fighting

Epic Feats: Epic Spellcasting, Epic Toughness, Ether Goer, Haleness, Hibernate, Inedia, Insomnia, Infinite Reflection, Legendary Archer, Epic Initiative, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Perfect Three Weapon Fighting, Skywalker, Subtle Body, Tenacious Body, Underwalker, etc etc

Divine Abilities: Adamantine Body, Amaranthine Body, Amaranthine Mind, Amaranthine Soul, Amaranthine Spirit, Celerity, Cozen, Enlarge Aura x20, Even Handed, Heavenly Body, Heavenly Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, High Handed, Heavy Handed, Invincibility, Legendary, Living Construct, *Mutability, Nescient, Perfect Initiative, Perfect Quivering Palm, Perfect Special Attack, Precognition, Post Cognition, Quantum Effect, Seventh Sense, *Self Mastery, Regeneration, Superior Critical, Superior Critical Multiplier, Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Soul, Strong Spirit, Telluric Effect, Uncanny Kinetic Effect (6), *Uncanny Prana Effect (6), Unknowing Body, Unknowing Mind, Unknowing Soul, Unknowing Spirit

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Apostasy, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Presence, Cosmic String, Cosmic Kinetic Effect, Elusion, Divine Nescience, Daunting Body, Daunting Mind, Daunting Spirit, Daunting Soul, Eighth Sense, Hyperostosis, Inner Eye, Lord of Individuality, Legendary Strength, Nullification, Oblique Strike, Orichalcum body, Quivering Skin, Slipstream, Supersonic, *Uncanny Atomic Effect (6), *Uncanny Cosmic Effect (6), Unearthly Effect, Unearthly Reach, Unearthly Weapon Specialization

Transcendental Abilities: Cosmic Nescience, Divine Nullification, Evil Eye, Psychometry, Equilibrium, Hypersonic, *Indissoluble, Neutronium Body, Sophism, *Transcendent Atomic Effect, Transcendent Kinetic Effect, Transilient Fortitude, Transilient Reflexes, Transilient Will, Transmortality, Transtemporal, Transversal, Transcendent Presence, Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization

Omnific Abilities: Infinite Strength, *Omnific Prana Effect, *Omnific Atomic Effect, Omnific Toughness, Quark Matter Body, *Transcendent Nescience

Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Environment: The Solitary Sky of the Inner Mind, The Pleroma (Muzaloth)
CR: 8,000
ECL: 12,000


Sælune is a powerhouse of the Hyperborea, she is tremendously powerful and infamous for her ability to conquer worlds, galaxies, and even 6 entire universes, she is a terrifying foe who prefers to conquer through not intimidation but liberation, conquering worlds and uplifting whole civilizations, she prefers to see all members of a society perfected vice the callous and brutal conquest of her peers.

True loyalty, she feels, is built on love that makes you stronger, better, and greater in all ways, as such she has become a polarizing force with many Hyperboreans disagreeing with her approach, but her results speak for themselves, as she has one of the largest, strongest, and most powerful armies and one of the largest territories in all Hyperborea.

Once a god in her own right, a goddess of the Moon, she grew quite powerful, walking a middle path with Hyperborea as a Deity commissioned as a field officer fighting for the Hyperborean cause. She trained as a Yogi and gained her divine spark via gaining enlightenment. She followed this path for many centuries befriending the son of Rei, Djarra, master of Heartfire before eventually going on a doomed mission that left her a sundered Deity. She attempted to regain her power, and succeeded but decided ultimately to relinquish her godhood in a new Avatar, releasing her Divine self as an independent and free entity her flesh and soul, now mortal again continued her path on the middle road.

This path eventually gained her the attention of the Ultimate, seeing a kindred soul of sorts, and she became his protégé, before eventually becoming his lover and then one of his greatest champions.

Though she is presented in her Lion form, she has a humanoid form, generally in this form she prefers to use ranged weapons and has a powerful minigun that fires huge nail like bolts of solid neutronium. This is all play though as if ever pressed into real combat takes the form presented above.

In this form, she remains hidden taking advantage of her Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike, Ghost Step and Frightful Attack abilities in conjunction with her Perfect Quivering Palm causing an endless barrage of death attacks. Her Frightful Cleave ability allows her to wrack up additional attacks on foes she kills outright after a ghoststep and panics foes allies.

If wishing to end a fight quickly she’ll simply use Transversal in conjunction with Cosmic Consciousness and Ultimate Weapon Specialization to unleash an endless stream of attacks against all foes within range, always following up with a whirlwind attack for good measure.

If pressed by a powerful foe, she’ll summon her Mirrorshard Claws and create a permanent Mirror image effect that avoids true sight, attempt to overpower them and repeatedly ghost step and shadowpounce attempting to tear her foes to pieces, allowing her Atomic powers to disintegrate and poison foes and her prana effect to blind and dazzle foes, debilitating them as much as possible.

Injuring her is quite difficult, she has multiple layers of infinite health, and an extremely high damage reduction. Even if injured her Regeneration, Indisoluble, Cosmic String, Transmortality and multiple epic spells make it very difficult to actually keep her dead.

If injured she relies on her indissoluble ability to keep her safe and will always have multiple contingent spells cast upon her in the unlikely event she is killed. She will also heal, if needed, with a spell she casts called Mortal Mist which is in essence, the Healing Seed epic spell cast on repeat centered on her for 500 round. This will fully heal her and cleanse her of any ability damage, drain, diseases, poisons or any other status effect every round.

She is however Transmortal still, has a Cosmic String, and Regenerates, and even if destroyed, in all likelihood she’ll find a way to return.


Mist Form:
Mist Lions can go into an Improved Invisible state which also causes an appropriately sized Obscuring Mist effect at will. This allows the Mist Lion to attack unseen in most occasions. Going into this state can be done as a free action as can exiting it.

Mist Sight: Mist Lions can see through fog clouds, Obscuring Mist or any concealment caused by obscuration due to either fog of any sort or particulates (like a sandstorm)

Heavy Handed, Even Handed, High Handed: Double Strength to unarmed attacks, Always use your highest BaB for unarmed attacks, Always deal max damage with unarmed strikes

Daunting Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit: Enemies within Selune’s Aura suffer a -1,200 to Armor Class, and -4,675 Luck penalty to DC’s, Saves, and Attack Bonus

Omnific Prana Effect: Treated as an Omnific-level Effect power, deals d1,000’s x2, Dazzles opponents for -1,200 to Attack Rolls, Sight Based Perception checks and a -1,200 to Dex based Armor Class for rounds equal to damage dice done. Successful Saves, if applicable, negate the dazzling effect.

  • Beam 12,000d1,000 (12,000,000) Divine Damage, Line of Sight (All Creation) Ray, No Save
  • Blast 6,000d1,000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, 15,025 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Blood 3,000d1,000 (3,000,000) Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) Negates
  • Breath 12,000d1,000 (12,000,000) Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear cone or Line of Sight (All Creation) Line, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Hand 18,000d1,000 (18,000,000) Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range Melee Touch (Unearthly Reach), No Save
  • Immolation 18,000d1,000 (18,000,000) Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (Dc ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Storm 3,000d1000 (3,000,000) Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Strike 3,000d1,000 (3,000,000) Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 6,000d1,000 (6,000,000) Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Gaze, Will Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) Negates

Omnific Atomic Effect: Tremendous Atomic energy radiates off the Sælune, a blessing of the Destroyer, dealing several effects:
  • Beam (Ray) 12,000d1,000 Force, +12,000d1,000 Disintegration, +6,000d1,000 Wind, +6,000d1,000 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 1,200,000 Force, 1,200,000 Disintegration, 600,000 Wind, 600,000 Fire, 666 Radiation) Line of Sight range
  • Blast 6,000d1,000 Force, +6,000d1,000 Disintegration, +3,000d100 Wind, +3,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 600,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, 15,025 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Blood 3,000d100 Force, +3,000d100 Disintegration, +1,500d1,000 Wind, +1,500d1,000 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 300,000 Force, 300,000 Disintegration, 150,000 Wind, 150,000 Fire, 167 Radiation) Melee Free action DC 27,598/half
  • Breath 12,000d1,000 Force, +12,000d1,000 Disintegration, +6,000d1,000 Wind, +6,000d1,000 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 1,200,000 Force, 1,200,000 Disintegration, 600,000 Wind, 600,000 Fire, 666 Radiation) 629,145,600 Lightyear cone or Line of Sight (All Creation) Line, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Hand 18,000d1,000 Force, +18,000d1,000 Disintegration, +3,000d100 Wind, +3,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (1,800,000 Force, 1,800,000 Disintegration, 900,000 Wind, 900,000 Fire, 1,000 Radiation) 629,145,600 Lightyear Range Melee Touch (Unearthly Reach)
  • Immolation 18,000d1,000 Force, +18,000d1,000 Disintegration, +3,000d100 Wind, +3,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort x4 (1,200,000 Force, 72,000 Disintegration, 36,000 Wind, 36.000 Fire, 1,000 Radiation) 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (Dc ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Storm 3,000d100 Force, +3,000d100 Disintegration, +1,500d1,000 Wind, +1,500d1,000 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 167 Radiation) 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (Dc ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Strike 3,000d100 Force, +3,000d100 Disintegration, +1,500d1,000 Wind, +1,500d1,000 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 167 Radiation) Melee (bonus) Free
  • Wrath (Gaze) 6,000d1,000 Force, +6,000d1,000 Disintegration, +3,000d100 Wind, +3,000d100 Fire, +Disintegration DC 27,598 Fort, +Radiation DC 27,598 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 16,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) 629,145,600 Lightyear Gaze, Will Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) Negates

Cosmic Effect: Blasts Foes with cosmic radiance, destroys magical defenses
  • Beam 20,000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Ray, No Save
  • Blast 10,000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, 15,025 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Blood 5,000d20 Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) Negates
  • Breath 10,000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear cone or Line of Sight (All Creation) Line, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Hand 30,000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range Melee Touch (Unearthly Reach), No Save
  • Immolation 30,000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (Dc ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Storm 5,000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Strike 5,000d20 Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 10,000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Gaze, Will Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) Negates

Transcendent Kinetic Effect: Effect deals d100’s of Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing Damage
  • Beam 20000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Ray, No Save
  • Blast 10000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, 15,025 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Blood 5000d20 Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) Negates
  • Breath 10000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear cone or Line of Sight (All Creation) Line, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Hand 30000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range Melee Touch (Unearthly Reach), No Save
  • Immolation 30000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (Dc ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Storm 5000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Range, Ref Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) for ½
  • Strike 5000d20 Divine Damage on each attack
  • Wrath 10000d20 Divine Damage, 629,145,600 Lightyear Gaze, Will Save (DC ∞/ 27,598) Negates
Adaption: Sælune can adapt to nearly any environment and in her nearly 200 million years of life, she has encountered nearly all conceivable environments, natural disasters, stellar objects, cosmic events and all manner of incredible dimensional disasters. She once even chased a foe into the event horizon of a black hole and fought upon it’s singularity.

Apostasy: Sælune has no Alignment and is immune to all Alignment-based effects

Wish: As a Swift Action, Sælune may duplicate the effect of any spell of level 8th Level or lower or any Epic Spell with a DC of ∞/ 8,021 or lower. These effects have a DC of ∞/ 6,550+Spell Level

Cosmic Consciousness: Sælune perfectly perceives the entirety of Creation at all times.

Enlarge Aura: Aura range increased x2, 20 times

Perfect Special Attack: Sælune can use special melee attacks from feats (Stunning Fist, Gorgon’s Strike, Scorpion Style etc) as part of a melee attack vice a standard action

Starflight: Sælune can reach any spot in the Multiverse in 1d3 minutes

Blessing of the Destroyer: Sælune has befriended the Destroyer Aspect Sercasembra, he has given her a gift, the gift of absolute control over atomic forces. As Such, she gains Uncanny Atomic Effect, Transcendent Atomic Effect, and Omnific Atomic Effect for free as a Boon

Psychometry: Sælune can perfectly gauge the prowess of an enemy with but a glance, essentially allowing her to know exactly what that being is capable of as if she were looking at their character sheet

Precognition/Postcognition: Sælune knows the plots goals motives and history of any being he encounter. Beings wishing to hide this knowledge must make a Will Save of ∞/ 27,598

Cosmic Presence: Your Aura range is increased 10,000 fold

Transcendent Presence: Sælune’s Aura begins at 1 Lightyear and extends at a range of 1/10th a light year/ Hit Dice, stacks with Enlarge Aura but overlaps, does not stack with Cosmic Presence

Transcendent Nescience: Sælune may take any Transcendent ability she pleases without meeting any prerequisites.

Perfect Defense: AC is at ∞

Superior Critical: 17-20 Base Crit chance Bite and Tanged Touch Attacks, 13-20 with claws

Superior Critical Multiplier: x5 Damage with a Critical Hit for all attacks

Unearthly Weapon Specialization: All attacks deal x5 base damage

Ultimate Weapon Focus: You no longer miss

Ultimate Weapon Specialization: Gain 1 attack for every 5 points of attack bonus you have (1,500 attacks per limb, 3 limbs: Claw Claw, bite)

Equilibrium: All Stats are equal thusly all stats are at ∞

Infinite Strength: Strength is ∞

Omnific Toughness: You have ∞ Health, this stacks with other ∞ health bonuses

Invincibility: You can make a Fort save against any damage taken, if successful you take no damage

Inner Eye/ Evil Eye: Sælune always uses the most favorable result of a die roll, while all opponents within her Aura (629,145,600 Lightyears) use the lowest possible result for all die rolls

Hyperostosis: You gain your Hit Dice x2 to your Natural Armor

Elusion: You can make a Reflex Save against an Enemy’s Attack Roll, if successful you dodge the attack taking no damage

Sophism: You can roll a Will save against an enemy’s total ECL and if successful may ignore the attack and take no damage.

Strong, Amaranthine, Heavenly, and Unknowing: Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit: Sælune gains a +1,200 bonus Luck Bonus and Insight Bonus and a 2,400 Circumstance Bonus to AC, and a +4,675 Luck Bonus and Insight Bonus and a 9,350 Circumstance Bonus to Saves, Attack Rolls, and DCs

Quark Matter Body: Sælune is made of the ultradense liquid metal Quark Matter, her weight is increased a quintillion-fold, she gains 48 Virtual Size Categories. She adds 22,500/- to her damage reduction. And adds +1,078 to her natural armor bonus. Her unarmed attacks automatically treat an opponent's damage reduction as if it was 22,500 points less. You also gains the Indissoluble, Mutability, Self Mastery, and Uncanny Cosmic Mastery and sheds light as the Sunlight spell at all times. (usually negated by a wish)

Transilient Will: Can’t fail Will saves, doesn’t stack with Sophism

Transilient Fortitude: Can’t fail Fort saves, doesn’t stack with Invincibility

Transilient Reflexes: Cant fail Reflex saves, doesn’t stack with Elusion

Transmortality: Sælune can’t be destroyed permanently by any means

Transtemporal: Sælune can freely travel through time, She also gains triple actions in any round, moving from the past, present, and future simultaneously

Transversal: Sælune’s reach is equal to her line of sight, allowing her to make attacks to not the edges of her aura, but across the boundaries of time and space itself (up to 300,000,000,000 Billion Lightyears (6 universes equivalent))

Class Features:


-Yogic Focus: 6,000/ day allows use of Yogi Powers

-Concentration Pool: Con Score +level: 16,560 points. Like Monk Ki Pool, can use to flurry of blows as a level 1 Monk for 1 point, boost speed as if Expeditious Retreat were cast on them for 1 point per minute, and use Centered Strike, Find Weakness, and Nirvana Strike as part of an attack or with all attacks on a full round attack for 2 points

-Concentration: Sælune has a Concentration check as a skill of even level and maxed ranks with a class skill bonus and Con as an ability modifier

-Breath Control: Sælune can hold her breath for 4xher Con score

-Wisdom Bonus to AC: Insight to AC +1,500

-Unarmed Strike: Sælune can strike like a Monk of even level

-Fast Movement: +10 Movement speed

-Spells: As Omdura

-Centered Strike: Move Action can strike flat footed

-Agni Prana: Can make a Short range Breath attack dealing 3,000d1,000 Divine Damage and setting foes on fire dealing 2d1,000 Divine Damage for 1d2 rounds

-Shattering Strike: Can use Concentration Check to break objects with sudden force

-See False Face: She can see through illusions, disguises, charms etc

-Know Falsehood: She can see through lies or any other sort of falsehood

-Find Weakness: As a Standard action Sælune can make a single melee touch attack dealing full unarmed damage

-Improved Hardihood: Like Improved Evasion for Fortitude Saves

-Nirvana Strike: As a Full Round Action Sælune can make a Flat Footed Touch attack against a single foe

Tome Shadow Dancer

-See in Darkness: See in all forms of darkness

-Shadow Slide/Door: Dimension Slide or Dimension door at will

-Shadow Strike: deal ½ level in d6s (boosted to d1,000s) of half cold half special darkness damage as a medium range touch attack 3000/ day

-Darkness: Deeper Darkness at will

-Sneak Attack 3000d6

-Hide in Plain Sight: in any shadow

-Uncanny Dodge: cant be caught FF

-Shadow Pounce: Can Teleport to an enemy as part of a full round action allowing a full attack usable at will

-Shadow Friend: Can Unseen Servant at will and see and control the unseen servant as if it were you

-Mirrorshard Claws: Can make claws +2,000 boosted with reflected light that allows you to blind foes that fail a fort save, reflect rays 1/round, create a constant mirror image that always reups if destroyed, and allows all attacks to be considered flat footed attacks against your claws

-Phantasmal Image: Can make 5 mirror images that cant be fooled by True Seeing

-Shadow Vanish: Can Greater Teleport at will

Ghost Faced Killer

-Ghost Step: Can Disappear into the Ethereal Plane for 2,000 rounds per day

-Sudden Strike: Like Sneak Attack, deals 2,000d6

-Ghost Sight: Can see invisible and see ethereal at will

-Frightful Attack: 2,000/ if attacking from Ghost Step can make a Will Save vs Death against a target and cause all within a short range who see it to roll Will vs panic for 6,000 rounds

-Frightful Cleave: If Frightful Attack Kills a foe either through damage or from the Save vs Death, they can make another Frightful Attack against another foe within reach, if the any other foes dies they may make another attack and continue this ad Infinium.

The Ultimate can be found here:

Narahsa from the story above can be found here:

Khorvanis The Omega Watch can be found here:

and of course the Hyperborean as a template can be found here:

and Obly's version of the Hyperboreans can be found here:
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Oh and regarding her gun and human form it's a Neutronium Minigun with Neutronium spikes it fires. It is a +2,500 item with the Triple Shot quality allowing it to get three shots for every shot fired, it's using the Browning M2HB stats from V for Victory and she has Laneakean Nexus enchanted on the gun allowing to to deal significant damage, like other Hyperborean weapons it also allows her to channel her "effect" powers through the weapon.

Her humanoid form is half elf looking with pale white skin, dark eyes and white hair. She looks almost like a Leshay.
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Really cool this lioness.
Three things I don't understand:
1) How come when you put the effects combo it is not divided?
When you combine two effects the amount of damage says remains the same, but is divided amongst the different effects.
e.g. A Fire Beam (normally dealing 30d6) could be combined with a Holy Beam (normally dealing 30d8), but when combined the damage would be 15d6 fire plus 15d8 holy damage.
When combining effects you do not have to split the damage equally, but always round down any fractions.
2) How come Quantum Effect only multiplies Atomic? Aren't they all multiplied?
3) Having taken the chain of [Construct] Body shouldn't she be a construct instead of an outsider?

Really cool this lioness.
Three things I don't understand:
1) How come when you put the effects combo it is not divided?
When you combine two effects the amount of damage says remains the same, but is divided amongst the different effects.
e.g. A Fire Beam (normally dealing 30d6) could be combined with a Holy Beam (normally dealing 30d8), but when combined the damage would be 15d6 fire plus 15d8 holy damage.
When combining effects you do not have to split the damage equally, but always round down any fractions.
Because effect powers should have always been combined. Unless you specifically don't want to use a power.

Like the opposite of Virtual Size Categories J curve of infinite power, effect powers become almost entirely underpowered and useless, even combined. Effects powers do abysmally small amounts of damage at any point in time compared to any other ability tree you go down.

Even things like Ultima Effect, Transcendental Effect, etc at the appropriate level are basically pointless, if you ever wanted to focus on them, you're character would just die.

Here's an example, look at saelunes melee damage now look at her ranged damage.

Do you see a difference there?

She could, quite literally, hit for about 50 rounds, with her oh so overpowered combined effect and it would about make the damage of a single melee hit. Furthermore she gets 3 times the attacks in melee.

So you know, there's that.

Even for timelords, the effect is weak, beyond weak in fact. Even with expression of power dealing trival amounts of damage to something like metamagic freedom and repeat spell Doomsday spell combos..

Only cheap shot things like Astro Effect or Annihilating effect ever stay relevant but literally you have to go all in with that, but that uses up all your abilities and without the other abilities (Evil Eye, Sophism, Transilient [save], etc) you'll never land a hit.

So it just doesn't make sense not to combine them. They stay somewhat more relevant at that point..

So I've always combined them. Otherwise damage wise they're utterly pointless.

2) How come Quantum Effect only multiplies Atomic? Aren't they all multiplied?
All the effect powers are multiplied, do the math yourself if you feel so inclined. I typed these powers out by hand so there's going to be mild inconsistencies like slight differences with formatting.

3) Having taken the chain of [Construct] Body shouldn't she be a construct instead of an outsider?

She also has taken the Living Construct Div ability instead of Ersatz. You can find that on my "Current Campaign Setting" thread under Lord Capricus
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Why are they called Obsidian sentries?
They're based loosely off the Praetorians from Ancient Rome.

Mainly the Hyperboreans name their various groups off of local ideas and either fierce animals or other powerful sounding things.

Kodiak Pride, Band of the Jackals, Iron Clan, Brotherhood of the Dragon, that sort of thing.

The name always has some The Obsidian Sentry is under the same idea has a few reasons, 1 they work as sort of a black ops type group generally and deal in conspiracy, so the obsidian idea is for black rock, unyielding like stone, smooth like glass, black dealing with the secretive nature of their order. Sentry because their other main function is to guard the Ultimate.

Also the name rolls off the tongue well lol


I also really like the novella..err description. In it you mention some anomaly that looks like "a pac-man like red dwarf star" Any chance you can make stats for it?

I also really like the novella..err description. In it you mention some anomaly that looks like "a pac-man like red dwarf star" Any chance you can make stats for it?
So all of those are based off of Solarius's generals, or at least those things are the same species:

The Fames Novae
The Galaxy in Green
Spawn of Ovnunu

The pac-man like red dwarf was literally nicknamed Mr. Munchie in my campaign, he's called a Fames Novae, a Hungering Star, the vegetation thing is called a Galaxy in Green its from someone on here's old signature, they had this cool thing about "What's beyond the Akalich and what's beyond the Odium a Galaxy in Green." I'll try to find the actual quote and give credit where it's due. The Galaxy in Green was called Viridian, the giant pseudonatural tangle of tentacles and eyes was called Ovnunu and it was a pseudonatural ooze of some sort, I think just like an ochre jelly but super advanced and with the anomaly template.
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