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Regional Mapping


Starting this so that we can begin collecting and placing world detail on our map so that it doesn't get lost or overwritten with another DM's work. I've a map of the northern third of the Eastern continent that I've been working (slowly) on that I'll post when I get home so that others can point out the stuff that I don't know about.

1 Venza
2 Tritower
3 K'issp
4 Hruthrip
5 Gist
6 Great Chasm
7 Martna
8 Tal Hallow
9 Omen (uncertain location)
10 Sangre del Sol (uncertain location)
11 Kostry Kopec
a Roccino Isle
b Three Rivers
c Allebasi Gate
d Haatse
e Orino river
f Starwater river
g Tang river
h unnamed gnomish/dwarven town
i Telen pass
j Thornspire mountains
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I've got a small area around northeast Venza roughly sketched out on the Silver Road Wiki page that can be changed if need be, but I needed something to work with for my adventures up there.


There's a lot more detail around the immediate vicinity of Venza but we'll need a map with a much larger scale than this one in order to place those details.


When you are done with the map, I can make something similar to this if you like:



First Post
Careful what you say, soulnova: between this and the symbol for Ruvalra, you could get pegged as the go-to person for art around here. ;)


First Post
From Mowgli's "Crypt of the Everflame"

Haatse, a small village in the wilds of the Landadel Baronies a few days hard riding south of Venza. (What's that, a couple of hundred miles? I've got no real conception of how fast hard riding is)
Spoekjebosk Forest, a dense woods on the edge of which Haatse is situated.
Ducado de Atiradore, a Duchy of the Landadel Baronies some days SE of Haatse.


From Mowgli's "Crypt of the Everflame"

Haatse, a small village in the wilds of the Landadel Baronies a few days hard riding south of Venza. (What's that, a couple of hundred miles? I've got no real conception of how fast hard riding is)

Light Horse + rider have an overland movement of 28 miles per day. I would say about 100 miles south, 3 days riding, pushing the horse a little longer than 8 hours. Four days to keep your horse from getting Fatigued.

Additional Rules (check Overland Movement below)


Presuming average roads and terrain of forest, hills and swamp that 28 miles per day turns into 21 to 28 miles. 'Hard riding' could be considered hustling or forced march but more than a couple of hours a day is going to have a detrimental effect on the horse; maybe add 7 miles per day. So a few days (3?) could be as few as 63 miles or up to 105. Spot on with soulnova's calculation. With the small scale map above (the dot representing Venza is about 25 miles diameter) some things are going to be very difficult to mark. Another reason for a good large scale map... This is good information to have, though. [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION], what do you think?

[MENTION=2710]jkason[/MENTION], any info you have about Martna (particularly location & size) that you can share would be great. I know you're running my character through an adventure there at the moment so I understand if you can't say anything yet.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I had a vague notion of 150 miles, which would make it about a week (give or take a day for weather, resting the horses, etc). No need to mark the Crypt, I think; although it's a couple of days march away, it's fairly well attached to Haatse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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