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NonImprisoned Sidereals Questions

The immortals didn't acutally imprison them from what I understand. There was a war between all the sidereals and the first choir of angels eventually sealed them all away (themselves included). The Demiurge wasn't imprisoned either, but (I think) was basically "promoted" to a time lord after they were all gone. That said, I agree that's it's absurd to think this same scenario happened in every universe. For one, there shouldn't be any demiurges left in the first place if that's the case.
Either way it makes a less interesting and less big multiverse to not include them, like it shoehorns your campaign to an early end without them.

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Hey guys,

everyone is free to run universes as they see fit. If you allow Sidereals to freely roam about then you have to conceded the possibility that full game worlds/planets are just going to get wiped out. If a god interferes on a planet then other gods will act in opposition. If a sidereal interferes with a planet its going to take whole pantheons to show up and try to fight them into submission.

The good-aligned angelic sidereals used combined epic magics (which required the component of multiple overgods also sacrificing their freedom) to imprison the not-so-good-aligned sidereals. Obviously some may have hidden. Some may have escaped. Some may have already been in other prisons and since escaped. All that is up to individual DMs.

As regards Demiurges I have a completely new take on them coming in the new book. I guarantee you will LOVE IT! :love:

This is exactly why I only use a modified version of the default universe in my settings. I use the basic concepts obviously, Aravoth, Kuvatchim, The Pleroma, etc, but entirely reject the idea that a bunch of mortals and low level basic God level Immortals somehow imprisoned all the Sidereals and somehow, bafflingly, the Demiurges, all of them, every single one, that concept honestly seems ridiculous to me.

The gods didn't imprison them. Other good-aligned sidereals did, by sacrificing themselves. It wouldn't have worked on a Demiurge, but it did on the First Ones. But I do have a new take on the Demiurges and its very cool.

The gods didn't imprison them. Other good-aligned sidereals did, by sacrificing themselves. It wouldn't have worked on a Demiurge, but it did on the First Ones. But I do have a new take on the Demiurges and its very cool.
I'm looking forward to reading your new stuff. It's very exciting, new IH material, even for 5th edition.

Hey Beefermatic buddy! :)

I'm looking forward to reading your new stuff. It's very exciting, new IH material,

If I wasn't such a procrastinating numpty I'd have the darn thing finished by now, I can only guarantee it will be great when it eventually surfaces.

even for 5th edition.

Well aside from the stats for the gods & monsters there is a lot of cool dimensional and environmental stuff that fleshes out lots of interesting locations and its all done with really wonderful colour art. I am trying to get different artists to represent different dimensions (for the Kosmos chapter at least) and so far so good although some of the artists are such big names either I can't really afford to commission new pieces from them or they are just too busy to accept new commissions (or both) and I just have to license existing art which makes finding panoramic landscapes problematic in one or two cases.

I'm basically like a kid in a candy shop at the moment I see an artist's work and I think that would be perfect for the Far Realm, or for Aravoth, or for [insert new realm] and I go hunt down the artist and by some miracle I get them to agree to license me some of their work and its just awesome. But some of the panoramic landscape shots are eluding me so I'll probably have to take some creative license therein...but don't worry, I have a plan.

But if you want to see First Ones, Demiurges, Time Lords, High Lords, Supernals and other crazy stuff...its in this book! If you want Random encounter tables for the 8th, 9th and 10th dimensions (plus all the other places) then this is the book. I won't be able to detail all the hundreds of monsters from the encounter tables in this single book but at least it will inspire you guys with ideas for your own campaigns - you all seem to love creating your own stuff anyway.

I need to get back to it. I so want to spoil you all and explain the new dimensions but keep having to bite my proverbial tongue. ;-)

Hey Beefermatic buddy! :)

If I wasn't such a procrastinating numpty I'd have the darn thing finished by now, I can only guarantee it will be great when it eventually surfaces.

Well aside from the stats for the gods & monsters there is a lot of cool dimensional and environmental stuff that fleshes out lots of interesting locations and its all done with really wonderful colour art. I am trying to get different artists to represent different dimensions (for the Kosmos chapter at least) and so far so good although some of the artists are such big names either I can't really afford to commission new pieces from them or they are just too busy to accept new commissions (or both) and I just have to license existing art which makes finding panoramic landscapes problematic in one or two cases.

I'm basically like a kid in a candy shop at the moment I see an artist's work and I think that would be perfect for the Far Realm, or for Aravoth, or for [insert new realm] and I go hunt down the artist and by some miracle I get them to agree to license me some of their work and its just awesome. But some of the panoramic landscape shots are eluding me so I'll probably have to take some creative license therein...but don't worry, I have a plan.

But if you want to see First Ones, Demiurges, Time Lords, High Lords, Supernals and other crazy stuff...its in this book! If you want Random encounter tables for the 8th, 9th and 10th dimensions (plus all the other places) then this is the book. I won't be able to detail all the hundreds of monsters from the encounter tables in this single book but at least it will inspire you guys with ideas for your own campaigns - you all seem to love creating your own stuff anyway.

I need to get back to it. I so want to spoil you all and explain the new dimensions but keep having to bite my proverbial tongue. ;-)
Sounds awesome Krusty, I'm very much looking forward to it. I love the idea that you're having different artists do different layers of reality. That's pretty cool. You can bet too that once it comes out, I'll totally make some new creations on the forum for 5th edition as well. 😀

Sounds awesome Krusty, I'm very much looking forward to it. I love the idea that you're having different artists do different layers of reality. That's pretty cool. You can bet too that once it comes out, I'll totally make some new creations on the forum for 5th edition as well. 😀

I'm planning on giving you guys so much ammunition to make cool new stuff you'll be busy for the next 17 years...although hopefully it won't take me so long for the follow up book...although with me that's a possibility. :rolleyes:

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