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(KS) Pathfinder Goes Dark… with Bloodlines & Black Magic Modern Supernatural Setting from Storm Bunn

Storm Bunny Studios have just launched their Bloodlines & Black Magic Pathfinder compatible supernatural modern campaign setting on Kickstarter. Bloodlines & Black Magic pits rich political elites, desperate cultists, supernatural horrors, celestial powers, secret magical orders, Göetic spirits, and ancient bloodlines in a deadly war against one another over a reality which nearly all of humanity can neither see, nor comprehend.

Storm Bunny Studios have just launched their Bloodlines & Black Magic Pathfinder compatible supernatural modern campaign setting on Kickstarter. Bloodlines & Black Magic pits rich political elites, desperate cultists, supernatural horrors, celestial powers, secret magical orders, Göetic spirits, and ancient bloodlines in a deadly war against one another over a reality which nearly all of humanity can neither see, nor comprehend.

Hidden from the mundane world
, only a rare few individuals ever gain a glimpse of this dimension of supernatural horrors, this realm of human tragedy and desperation, learning secrets that - if spoken in public - would mark them as broken. Aligned with secret organizations or working as individual agents, Bloodlines & Black Magic gives these modern heroes a dark universe to explore, painting the canvas of the world we know an even dimmer, decaying grey than it already is.

Enter a world where seven distinct magical bloodlines, each with its own ties to the supernatural world, who position themselves in places of power, working from behind the scenes to shape the world in their image. These bloodlines dominate certain hereditary lines, but might otherwise manifest in secret anywhere, or in anyone. Although these bloodlines only make up a very small part of the global population, they dominate nearly 72% of the globe, secretly running everything from global trade routes to entire countries.

Seven bloodlines maneuver the shadows of the secret parts of the world. These are:

· Fey blooded Delicate and lively, individuals who carry the blood of the fey display strange insights. Some claim to suffer from otherworldly visions of both the future and past. Prominent throughout the Old World, fey blooded individuals often display interests in nature, environmentalism, and history - especially history related to Ireland, Scotland, Gaul, and even some of the Nordic lands.

· Infernal Blooded Cunning and strong, individuals with ties to this bloodline rarely discover the power of their blood until late into their teens, although some don’t manifest their abilities until their mid-twenties. Naturally intelligent, these individuals combine their wit with their strength, outwitting or strong-arming others into following their directions, regardless of their will.

· Dragon Blooded Born cold, calculating, and prone to dreams of conquest outsiders rarely understand, the dragon blooded are a confident line – some who whisper their heritage is as old as the serpent that encircles the cosmic egg. Although many chuckle at the idea of sleeping dragons, these individuals know all too well that the blood is as cold as it is ancient.

· Jinn Blooded As passionate and dedicated as any modern dervish, jinn blooded humans have ties that predate the modern Middle East, their heritage arising from the Assyrian, Sumerian, and Babylonian conquerors who, under a burning red sun, worked ancient magic in the earliest dawn of man. Wise and tenacious, these individuals display a resilience rarely found in the modern world.

· Seraphic Blooded Nearly as famous as their infernal siblings, seraphic blooded humans are wise and comely, many displaying a natural charisma that reveals their angelic roots, attracting others who simply want to bask in the presence. Attractive to a fault, these individuals display their bloodline in a number of physical ways; they have bright eyes, angular features, and silky hair that range from the dark of ravens’ feathers to the golden hues of the Valkyries themselves.

· Shadow Blooded Of all the bloodlines, those who carry shadow-touched blood are perhaps the strangest of all the bloodlines. These rare individuals openly display a love of the dark and many of them openly avoid the daylight, some of which suffer from minor medical conditions that discourage daytime activities.

· Spirit Blooded Attuned to a world visited almost exclusively by dreamers, spirit blooded humans claim a heritage older than that of any other bloodline, many claiming that their very bodies are the world’s ancient spirits made flesh. Others claim they are the children of the dreaming realms, readily pointing to the Astral Plane as their original home.

Bloodlines & Black Magic draws liberally from the lore of our day-to-day world, weaving historical facts, modern myths, urban legends, and popular conspiracies into a supernatural world that could be, if only we had the eyes and patience to pierce the neon-stained billboards which so carefully hides it from our view. Steeped in esoteric lore, popular culture, current events, and empowered by a connected, global community, Bloodlines & Black Magic pushes the boundaries of what we think we know, crashing through the mirror and diving into the deeper parts of the human abyss...

The Bloodlines & Black Magic Kickstarter campaign is running until Friday 14th April.

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