• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D General Demetrios1453 Plays the Gold Box Games

As far as challenge went, anytime the enemies included clerics in a Gold Box game, the tactical challenge increased by leaps and bounds, because any attack after you got hit with hold person would kill you (no attack roll required). And even with the primitive AI the enemies did not pull any punches. They would target you with those hold persons, interrupt your casters, and really try to take you down.
The early series games were great about this kind of thing, and running defense or counter controlling to keep your own people alive was great fun.

Things get much less fun come Darkness or Dark Queen where any given trash encounter came with multiple casters that could one shot kill your people. Don't get me wrong, I still love those games, but it went full rocket tag at the end.

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The early series games were great about this kind of thing, and running defense or counter controlling to keep your own people alive was great fun.

Things get much less fun come Darkness or Dark Queen where any given trash encounter came with multiple casters that could one shot kill your people. Don't get me wrong, I still love those games, but it went full rocket tag at the end.
Yep, on the other thread the Gold Box games, I mentioned how much I hated some parts of DQoK because the dark wizards and some of the advanced draconians were just plain unfair when coming in bunches in normal combats. If they had been bosses of some sort, sure, but when you're having to slog through fight after fight with such stupidly over-buffed opponents, it stops being fun really quickly. Even the worst parts of PoD don't hit as hard as DQoK does...


Pedantic Grognard
But... magic-users... armor? Well, see, they're elf fighter/magic-users, and in 1e, elves could cast spells while wearing some types of armor (notably elven chain).
You're actually confusing 1e (where elf multiclasses could, in fact, cast spells while wearing any armor) and 2e (where they were initially limited to elven chain, and then later elven plate was added). Pool of Radiance accurately reflects the 1e rule.

You're actually confusing 1e (where elf multiclasses could, in fact, cast spells while wearing any armor) and 2e (where they were initially limited to elven chain, and then later elven plate was added). Pool of Radiance accurately reflects the 1e rule.
Ah, OK, it's been so long since I've played 1e that the 2e rule (which I played a lot more of back in the day) was stuck in my mind. Thanks for the clarification.

Pool of Radiance (Part 7): The Slums (Part 3)

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Back to the Slums we go! Does that alarm ever get turned off? It's like when your neighbor's car alarm goes off in the middle of the night and no on turns it off until the morning. No wonder the monsters are so cranky here...

Our goal is to get back the the goblin set encounter room we've been using a lot for rest, and now continue on to the west to explore the northwestern quadrant of the Slums. I sort touched on this briefly in the last post, but maps in this game are almost always on a 16 x 16 grid (you can see onscreen that my current coordinates are 0 , 4, facing west), and from my earlier foray I've ventured about halfway across the map towards the western edge. This 16 x 16 rule is going to make up about 90% of the maps in all the Gold Box games, so we'll be seeing that a lot. Later games, however, most notably Secret of the Silver Blades fudged around with the format in order to make long corridors (basically, you invisibly teleport on the map coordinates while it looks like you're just traveling more or less straight onward), while Death Knights of Krynn really goes hog-wild in one city, creating a wacky non-Euclidean space where in several spots you can wrap around to the other side of the city without knowing it.

So we march back the same pathway as before, and almost make it our goal when we run into yet another random patrol of orcs.

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Like usual, a sleep spell and some hard fighting take them down:

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We finally defeat them, but, ouch, they got some hits in!

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Luckily, we're just a few steps away from the safe spot, and we can heal up (and re-gain that sleep spell).

We go out of the goblin set encounter room we've been basically using as a hotel, turn right (west), and go down the corridor (I'll have a map here soon) until we reach a doorway.

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Buffy fails her Pick Lock check, so we Bash it instead. Given my party's Strength scores, this will work about 99% of the time in this situation (but I still tend to choose "Pick" anyway when possible just for variety)

Beyond the door is a nicely wood-paneled room that apparently has seen better days:

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We go through the door on our immediate right, and:

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Hmm... Are these messages telling us something? So let's do something new here - choose the "Search" option down there in the bottom menu. What this does is makes you move more slowly, going forward a square in 10 minutes instead of the normal 1 minute. This will have the unfortunate effect of making random encounters more likely while you have Search turned on. But it has the definitely fortunate effect of finding otherwise hidden things like doors or treasure. So, we turn on Search...

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(Note the "Search" next to the time). We turn to the left and move forward a step or two...

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Success! Yes, we will definitely open that bag!

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That's a lot of experience! We've usually been getting XP in just double digits for each encounter, even for large groups of monsters, so this is quite on another level! And here's why: in 1e, you received XP based on the value of any treasure you find, on top of what you gain for defeating foes. In fact, a lot of the time, both in the tabletop game, and here in these games, treasure XP will make up a substantial percentage of the total XP gained. And, a bit of a pro-tip, when you get large amounts of XP, that usually means magical treasure! So let's see what we got, we have Brother Baltor cast detect magic, and...

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A magical bow, and some magical arrows! Let's see exactly how good they are:

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Buffy is definitely equipping that bow - even if it's just a shortbow with less of a range than the longbow, that +1 more than makes up for it. The magical arrows, on the other hand, we're saving for tougher encounters. No need to waste good magical ammo on random kobolds when there are more important foes to save them for.

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Looking good for just a level 1 fighter/thief! And everyone's experience received a nice bump from finding this treasure. Bant's getting close to 50%.

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So, you might have noticed by now that not everyone is advancing at the same rate. That's because 1e and 2e had different advancement rates for each class. And beyond that, four of the characters are multiclassed and advancing in two classes simultaneously, so they'll be dragging behind because of that. Conversely, my two single-classed characters gain a 10% bonus to XP because the have high enough stats in their primary stat(s) to earn it. So the level advancement bars will be all over the place as everyone is going to be moving upward at different rates (other than the two fighter/magic users).

We'll turn "Search" off, and head out that door in front of us, turn right (north) and then right again (east). We go through a door and...

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A set encounter, so not a huge number of kobolds to deal with. We all know how this goes:

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And soon they're all dead. But the experience page tells us something interesting:

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That's a lot of XP for just some kobolds! They must have something interesting...

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Brother Baltor's detect magic unfortunately just wore off, but, another pro-tip, interesting magic items tend to be at the very bottom of treasure lists. Let's check out those bracers.

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Indeed they are more than meets the eye! Magical bracers in 1e came in a wide variety of AC types, instead of just giving a flat bonus. Bracers AC 6 will set the wearer's default AC to 6 instead of 10, before Dex or anything else is factored in. Normally, we would be giving these to one of our magic-users (as there is no mage armor - or as it was known at the time armor - spell in the game), but our magic-users already have better armor with their banded mail, so these will go, yet again, to Buffy. We trade them to her, she equips them, and her AC goes down yet again!

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We go back out the door, head back west, then south, then west again until we get to another door (map shortly!). We explore around in the building, until we enter a room and...

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Actually, it's a bit odd we haven't run into hobgoblins before, as they're among the types of monsters encountered in the random patrols. There are only five of them, so they go down quickly...

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Let's see what they were arguing about!

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Well, that's hardly a "pile of gold"! Let's turn Search on.

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Well, that's more like it! Likely to be some good stuff here!

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Nice. We give the shortbow +1 to Brandir. The ring of protection usually pairs well with the bracers we just found, but I'm going to give it to Brother Baltor for the time being as he's wearing non-magical armor and can benefit from the extra protection.

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But I noticed something interesting during that combat, as well as on the GBC map:

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(The arrow is where the party is now, the room with the hobgoblin fight. The kobold fight was in the room that's 3 squares up and 7 squares over in the north-central portion of the map, while the room where we found the first magic shortbow is 1 up and 5 over)

There's a doorway into what looks to be a room in the very northwesternmost corner of the map. But when we passed by, there wasn't one! I could see this in the combat screen as well, there was a doorway where I hadn't noticed one earlier. Let's go back and see...

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Looks like just a wall to me. Even "Search" turns up nothing. Perhaps it's an illusion? We step forward and...

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Secret treasure room! And some good stuff too, since that XP award is a magnitude better than what we've seen all game!

While a lot of it is gems and jewelry that get split between everyone by hitting "Share" when the treasure screen comes up (I've been doing this routinely, so I've acquired a lot of cash alongside all the cool treasure items I've been highlighting), there are still some (presumably) magic items here as well:

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I give them to Brin, and she equips the magical shortbow. All three of my backliners now each have a shortbow +1, which is very nice for 1st level characters. Well... not all 1st level characters any more...

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All this nice XP from these magic items and other treasure I've been picking up have put Bant and Buffy over the top! Their XP bars are now filled up and turned yellow, telling me they can each gain a level. The "Level Up" option on the GBC bar when I mouse over this is now, for the moment, not grayed out! Let's level up!

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(GBC leveling also gives you max HP per level. Which saves time loading and reloading to get a good roll if you had instead leveled up in the training hall. Buffy is multiclassed, so she only gets half of the HP she would normally get when she levels up. And, as I said previously, with the GBC leveling option, I don't have to return to the training hall, which, since the gate to the civilized part of town is literally on the other side of the map, would have been a real pain to get to).

I unfortunately can't screenshot it, but a character's icon in the GBC bar does a cute little dance when they level up. In fact, all the icons do it each time they win a battle.

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That looks a lot better. Bant actually is a good part of the way to level 3!

Characters reaching level 2 in the Slums is a game-changer. They now have more substantial hit points and are much less fragile, and THAC0s going down from leveling and magic items makes killing off foes much easier. And the good news is that Baroness Bella and Brother Baltor aren't far from leveling now as well! Also, note that only Bant's THAC0 went down - THAC0s decrease at different rates for different classes, and while warrior-type classes have THAC0 go down by 1 each level, thief (and the other classes) go down at a slower rate.

We leave the secret treasure room (and finding it in the way I did by noticing things on the maps is actually a time-honored method, or otherwise you'd be banging your head against every wall trying to find secret doors), and wander about the hobgoblin building a bit. We find a small room with this message:

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This sort of message is a subtle hint that a room like this is safe to rest in. You'll see this a lot in higher-level games in areas where it's particularly difficult to find places to camp. (I obviously peeked in here before the level up)

Anyway, we head out of the building and head south through another doorway...

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Is that a shop here in the middle of the Slums? We move forward to investigate, and just outside the door...

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Random goblin patrol.

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We deal with them easily, although Bant takes a point of damage. But, speaking of Bant, he has a new ability which flashes by so quickly that I can't get a screenshot of it in time. In 1e, warrior classes would gain the ability to "sweep" enemies of 1 HD or less, meaning they could attack as many of those enemies in range as the character has levels. So Bant is able to attack two goblins each time here, as long as there were two within melee range. It's really neat when it happens, especially later in the game when you're sweeping like 5 at a time, but sadly, it's only useful mainly against kobolds and goblins - even hobgoblins and orcs have too many HD for it to work.

So, goblin patrol taken care of, we turn to the left and enter the shop.

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Odd that she has a shop in the middle of the monster-infested Slums. Supplemental material states that the monsters are in such awe of her that they leave her alone. And if you choose "Attack" here, she'll call upon them to protect her. So we choose "Pay".

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Yeah, thanks. Barely worth the few coppers.

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We leave and go to the doorway immediately to her north. Unfortunately we're not welcomed in...

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This one is actually tough for a set encounter, as there are at least a good dozen orcs in the room, all lined up over to the left

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I actually wait a round or so until some move so I can use a sleep spell to good effect:

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Which forms a sold block protecting my flank around Brother Baltor (and he needs it, as he again takes some hits during the fight). After a few rounds we've dealt with them and the battle is over.

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Another nice XP reward! There must be some good stuff to find in the loot!

(To be continued here shortly, as I've reached the max image upload limit for the post)

Pool of Radiance (Part 8): The Slums (Part 4)

So, we were about to find some good treasure when the forum decided I need to start a new post. So, what did we get?

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Without a detect magic memorized, we'll have to take a guess it's the flail, being the odd item out at the bottom. But let's take it all.

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A flail +1 is really nice for our cleric. The chainmail +1 is actually the same AC as everyone's banded mail, but it does allow for 12 movement instead of 9. I'll give that to Baroness Bella.

The broadswords are magical as well, so Baroness Bella and Bant get two of those. The dwarf grumbles that he'd rather have a trusty battleaxe, but takes the broadsword anyway.

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(Broadswords in 1e do a weird 2d4 damage for some reason. We'll have some normal magical 1d8 longswords soon enough)

At this point, everyone has a magical weapon! Even though 1e rules, with a max of +5 instead of +3 like 5e for magical items, were a bit more lenient with handing out magic weapons to low level characters, this is still a bit ahead of the curve! And speaking of levels...

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Two more characters are ready to level up!

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So we'll rest here, as it's a set encounter room, and then head back to the city to start selling loot. Brother Baltor can now memorize 4 1st level spells:

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And we're now in much better shape to do a run back to the gates:

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(Map showing where the party is: the fortune teller was just to the south):

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Also, hopefully we'll clear a random combat or two, as we've been wandering around for a bit and have only had one recently. We are, if I've counted right, at 9 out of 15 that we need to defeat in order to count towards clearing the block.

We, almost disappointingly, get all the way back to the gate without a single random encounter. Well, it's night, so the shop won't be open, and we haven't used any of our spells, so let's just wander about in the area near the gate and clear out some of those empty spaces on the map. And, not too much later:

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A sleep spell, lots of magic weapons, and two frontline characters at 2nd level make this much easier than similar earlier fights.

We move around a bit further, clearing the map in the entire northeastern quadrant before we turn around and start heading back. Near the goblin room..

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Ugh, surprised! This the first time my party has been surprised, although I've surprised several monster patrols already. So the kobolds will get a full round of attacks before I can do anything. The good news is that they are kobolds, so it's definitely not as bad as it could have been.

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Also, we're in a narrow corridor, so, even surprised, they're not able to get to me easily. Also, Baroness Bella, being Level 2, can now sweep as well. We quickly take care of the kobolds, despite them getting the drop on us!

A few steps further...

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At least not surprised this time, But we're in a more open area, so they can periodically flank and reach out back row:

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But we quickly deal with them as well. Some of them actually surrender (which has happened before), which causes them just to blip out of existence on the map (it happens so quickly that despite a few tries, I can't get a screenshot of the message).

We move forward back to town. We're only a short distance from the gate, so we should be safe, right?

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This will be a lot tougher. The orcs having surprise might cause us a lot of hurt.

(Also, I noticed that once I got above 10 random encounters, they suddenly started to come on stronger and with more likelihood of surprise. I've seen this before, especially when trying to get back to town in this situation, so I suspect the game is throwing the patrols at you hard and fast as you near the goal of 15, as if the monsters were mounting a final, desperate defense.)

The orcs use their surprise to get some hits on Baroness Bella, and immediately start flanking us to gain access to my back row

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It's not the best use of sleep since he could get more opponents by targeting elsewhere, but Brandir targets the orc above the one next to him, which will catch the one attacking him in the spell's radius. With that, he can retreat safely and use his bow.

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After a hard fight, the orcs go down, and we reach the safety of the city gate!

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(Yeah, stop staring at us suspiciously. Can't you see the orc blood from the ones we just killed literally 20 feet beyond this gate?)

Despite all the attacks, we've mapped out a lot of the Slums nearest the city gate:

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(That last orc attack took place one square left and one square down from the gate where the arrow is. I was that close when they got the jump on me)

We go to the inn and rest up, but after we memorize our spells, it's still a few hours away from dawn. So I have to manually put in some rest time to get to a time when the store is open.

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(Choose "Hours" then "Inc" (increase) until you get the desired time. Then choose "Rest").

Off to the store. Most of what we have to sell still fetches low prices, other than the 25 gp longbows, but... Buffy doesn't need her leather +1 any more now that she has the bracers...

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Yes sir, that is a deal! As the game goes by, and we have more magic items to sell, we'll be moving ever towards being able to purchase those tasty Fine Composite Longbows from the silver shop.

Current funds:

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(Remember, in 1e, it's 1 pp = 5 gp, not 10)

Gems have a few set values (10 gp, 50 gp, 100 gp, 500 gp, 1000 gp, and 5000 gp) and jewelry will go anywhere from 100 gp to 12000 gp (the game roles a percentile to determine between various tiers in that range, and then chooses a random integer in the tier that results; the most common results are in the 2000s gp range). I could get them appraised, but if not immediately sold, they go from the money section as seen here to actual inventory items... and we don't want them taking up precious inventory slots. We'll have them appraised when we need to sell them.

So, all rested up, we'll head back to the Slums. We're moving up in levels and getting equipped with more powerful items, so our treks there have been getting easier. We've defeated (if I've counted correctly) 13 of the 15 random encounters we need, but we also have to defeat the set encounters to complete the clearing of the block, and there are still a good number of them to go through in the southwestern area of the Slums (including the infamous one anyone who has ever played this game is waiting for me to get to!). But all that is for next time...

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Just want to say really appreciate this Lets Play as such, I have GOG and Steam versions of these games, have briefly played POR with a couple of random encounters in the slums (and relearning pitfalls of aoe spells and friendly fire) but don't have much opportunity for gaming with a 1 year old, so I likenl following along with this and getting feel of following the story / action :)

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