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Planescape Bladeling (Planescape)

Dark Sun Gnome

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Calling the bottommost layer of Acheron kip and supposedly drawing their power from that plane, the bladelings are a peery race that has learned to prosper in that brutal plane.

Bladelings are six foot tall, with metallic looking skin and have eyes that glow with a sinister light. Covered in spines, bladelings have a fiendish look about them, which many suggest is evidence that originally they were tieflings before becoming a true breeding race. The chant is that that when they first arrived in Acheron, most of the bladelings were wiped out in a few years after conflicts with the rust dragons, reaves and the general conditions that are found on that plane. Within a few years, the bladelings had adapted to the conditions and founded Zoronor, their bastion on that plane.

Many greybeards claim that they didn’t call Ocanthus home originally – perhaps the bladelings came from the Nine Hells originally before they hopped over to the icy landscape and setting up the burg of Zoronor. This blood-town is encircled by the blood forest which protects these bashers from the storm of blades that are the main feature of this layer. The majority of the bladelings dwell in Zoronor, but there are a fair number that end up in the Cage, and also travel the planes for fame and jink. One of the most talked about (though none of that talk is from her own bone box) is Adamok Ebon, a fighter cleric that lives for the hunt and one of the best bloods in the multiverse at it.

Clerics are prevalent among the bladelings, and many worship the blood forest as the protector of the race. The majority revere an unknown power, and the bladelings will not spill the dark of it to anyone.

Thanks to the demands that the lowermost layer of their case places on their spiked shoulders, the bladelings have developed a social order that is tighter than a chastity belt, and iron discipline is one of the main tenants. As a result, the Mercykillers are the faction that most appeals to the bladelings, and when some sod needs to be folded, the Guvners will often ask one of the bladeling members to put the berk in the dead book.

Bladelings have a hard time dealing with other races, and the bladeling mindset considers other races to be unreliable and weak. It is hard to gain the trust of a bladeling, and a superstitious mind and while they are courteous to bloods that are encountered outside their home plane, they have little hesitation in dealing with those that invade Zoronor – painfully.

As a Bladeling, you have the following attributes -

Ability Score Increase - Your Dexterity Score increases by 2, and either your strength or your constitution increases by 1.
Speed - Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Size – Bladelings are around 6 foot tall and weigh between 140 and 160 pounds. You are a medium sized creature.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Natural Armour - You have a natural armour bonus of +4. When unarmoured, your AC is equal to 10 + your natural armour bonus + your dexterity modifier. Due to the spikes on your body, you are unable to wear armour.
Tempest of Blades – Once per day, you can violently expel shards from your skin in a 15ft cone, and all in the path of the shards must make a Dexterity save (8 + proficiency bonus + dexterity modifier). 3d6 points of piecing damage to any creature in the area failing the save, half if succeeded. After this action, your natural armour bonus goes down by 2 until you regenerate 24 hours later.
Gift of Acheron – you have resistance to cold and fire damage, and immunity to acid damage.
Languages - You can speak Common and Infernal

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