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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
A few other bits he just posted. Take them as you will:

"1) In 2001 I started a company with transwoman Jessica Mulligan. She was company president and co-founder. We were the first venture-dbacked videogame company with a transwoman in the C suite. The notion that I am "transphobic" is ludicrous because I was actively working with a transwoman when it was so far outside the Overton Window that most people had never met one.

2) In 2005 I appointed the first woman to a major game journalist website's editor-in-chief position, and she then lead us to win 3 Webby Awards. She was just the first of many women I have supported and put in positions of authority. The idea that somehow I am a misogynistic bigot is belied by my entire career.

3) My own father was a refugee from Egypt, and the co-founder of Warcry was a Jewish immigrant from Russia and a Brazilian immigrant. If I am anti-immigrant I hate all of my family and best friends.

4) I wrote my thesis for my military history degree on the necessity of Israel's defense of the Golan Heights to preserve its territorial integrity. My best friend and roommate in law school, who co-founded Warcry, is a Conservative Jew; my girlfriend of 7 years was a Reform Jew; and my writing partner on Barbarian Conquerors is of course an Israeli. The idea that I am an anti-semite is ludicrous.

5) The entire art team for Ascendant was female and POC. There's no other book in the entire game industry that has had a more diverse art team in that sense.

Virtually everything alleged about me is, in short, a naughty word lie.

The end."

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On board with everything you said, just confused why it's coming from a communist avatar? Fascist/communist regimes kind of use the same tactics to violent ends right?


On board with everything you said, just confused why it's coming from a communist avatar? Fascist/communist regimes kind of use the same tactics to violent ends right?

Cat Alunya's an anarchist. She's from a now-defunct webcomic called Political Ideology Catgirls. It's a play on words on Catalonia, a region that was anarchist-friendly during the Spanish Civil War.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
He actually wrote several articles with similar themes, over a period of several months. The others are less aggressive but also seem to endorse the use of violence and for Trump to use extralegal means, including violence, to retain power. Some links: Repressive Tolerance in Action, Who Counts the Votes of the Presidential Electors?, Et Tu, Congress?

The last one is telling - the title, of course, is also a reference to Julius Caesar and what he says when he is betrayed by Brutus. The article goes on to describe how Congress modified the Insurrection Act in what he describes as an effort to remove Trump's ability to invoke it and use mass violence to seize control of the American government after losing the election. He concludes that Trump still has this power despite Congress's amendment to the law. But note that he characterizes it as a betrayal of Trump to do so, which only makes sense if you think Trump should do it.

All of this should also be evaluated in light of the fact that one common tactic among alt-right folks like Macris is to couch their threats and wishes in speculative language precisely so they can make defenses like this. It's part and parcel of the whole "I'm just asking questions" defense that regularly gets trotted out in these sorts of situations. Anyone who wants to can read what Macris wrote, and anyone with a brain can read the original "Trump at the Rubicon" article and see what Macris is advocating. Hell, he ends the piece with a quote from Sun Tzu about how “when on death ground, you must fight.” It comes right at the end, after a long screed about how the scary mean liberals are going to make Trump do this. This, incidentally, is also a textbook part of the abuser's playbook—and to be clear, I am not accusing Macris of being an abuser. What I am saying is that he's using the same DARVO tactics they use. He is saying "Look what you made me do!" and using that as an excuse, a way to absolve himself for the terrible things he's advocating for.
Like I said, I don't agree with his politics, I just like his game.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I see he's partnered with Chuck DIxon to write a Conan setting.
Yikes. Birds of a feather.
"1) In 2001 I started a company with transwoman Jessica Mulligan. She was company president and co-founder. We were the first venture-dbacked videogame company with a transwoman in the C suite. The notion that I am "transphobic" is ludicrous because I was actively working with a transwoman when it was so far outside the Overton Window that most people had never met one.
For everybody's benefit: the phrasing of "transwoman" is often (not saying it's the case here, but just often) a dogwhistle for transphobia. The trans community by and large separate the terms (ie, "trans woman"); the portmanteau phrasing is almost exclusively used in trans-skeptic/transphobic circles.

Not saying that as a "gotcha" on Macris, just a heads up that most trans people would ask that you keep the words separated.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Yikes. Birds of a feather.

For everybody's benefit: the phrasing of "transwoman" is often (not saying it's the case here, but just often) a dogwhistle for transphobia. The trans community by and large separate the terms (ie, "trans woman"); the portmanteau phrasing is almost exclusively used in trans-skeptic/transphobic circles.

Not saying that as a "gotcha" on Macris, just a heads up that most trans people would ask that you keep the words separated.
Fair enough. No reason to assume he knows that, or wouldn't change it if asked. I have several trans friends and I had no idea about that.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Oh no... him too?

What do you know of him?
More general alt-right anti-SJW grousing. Unlike the Diversity & Dragons account I had to scroll down his feed a bit before finding the blatant the transphobia. Did see him re-tweeting Scott Adams as recently as two weeks ago, so, uh... yikes.

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