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Every gamer I know has a Pile of Shame. It’s the pile or shelf of books and games that they’ve acquired that go unplayed for whatever reason. Maybe the group isn’t into the theme. Maybe something else came along right after that was more compelling. One of the biggest sections of my Pile of Shame was Fading Suns. I loved the look and feel of this dark space opera but the system never made...
For the vast majority of people who get into the tabletop role-playing hobby, Dungeons & Dragons was the gateway. While I enjoy D&D and think my favorite edition of it is the current one, my education in games was much broader. The gaming group that I joined was a bit older than I was and they were sick to death of D&D by the time I started playing. Instead we had four rotating games we played...
Magpie Games set tongues wagging earlier this year when they announced they had secured the rights to create a role-playing game based on the animated TV shows Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. These shows, heavily influenced by anime, Asian and Indigineous cultures, are beloved by fantasy fans around the world and the setting seems like a good way to interest people in RPGs...
When Aberrant was first released in 1999, comic book superheroes were in a state of flux. The 90s had been a dark period where heroes shied away from the fantastic origins of the genre. Everyone was trying to prove that comics were serious business even as the genre swung back toward a mixture of big stories and grown-up storytelling in comics like Astro City and the Marvel Ultimate universe...
I have had to admire wargaming as a hobby from afar. I don’t have the patience to learn how to paint and I don’t have the money to invest in a ton of scenery and accessories. So I wondered why I was sent a copy of Five Parsecs From Home by Modiphius. The premise intrigued me; a solo wargame? With RPG elements? That uses the minis I already own? After reading the book and playing a scenario or...
Role-playing games are a hobby of mimicry. They are a new way to tell the stories we love. We get a chance to be part of the story and make the choices of our favorite heroes and villains. Thanks to the nerdy origins of the hobby, there are dozens of ways to tell stories about magic and the future. One genre that’s popular with the general public that’s under-represented in RPGs? The...
Game designer Rodney Thompson has experience in both the board game and role-playing game design worlds. He was part of the team that designed Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, led the development of Star Wars Saga Edition for years and designed Lords of Waterdeep during his time at Wizards of the Coast. His one-man publishing company, Scratchpad Publishing, creates games that play to the...
I tend towards dark fantasy when I run games. I’m not entirely sure why. I may be that I didn’t start playing RPGs with Dungeons & Dragons. It may be that I spent a lot of time with the World of Darkness growing up. It may be that dark fantasy feels more heroic when players succeed and more tragic when they fail. Free League Publishing recently released a starter set for its dark fantasy world...
Sentinels of the Multiverse spent the last decade building one of the best comic book universes out there without using comic books. Instead, they built it through a strong cooperative card game, great thematic expansions and even a podcast detailing the fictional comic company behind the setting. This month marks the release of the full Sentinel Comics RPG which puts the future of the setting...
As February looms large, the desire to get away from it all presses down. That feeling is more oppressive this year thanks to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s easy to imagine being in a tropical paradise like Al-Amarja, sitting on a beach, waiting for orders from your Secret Masters from the future. Wait, what? Over The Edge is an RPG that originally debuted in 1992 but seems even...
Even though Mothership is still technically in beta, it already has a polish and strength that surpass many completely released games. Much of this comes from an open-armed policy of third-party zine support combined with a OSR-inspired focus on maximum support on minimal word count. The adventures that I’ve seen for the game remind me of the monster from Alien: sleek, dangerous looking in...
It was only a matter of time before actual plays spun off games based on their worlds. Critical Role, the 800-pound gorilla in the room has two books for fans looking to game in their world; the Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting from Green Ronin Publishing and last year’s Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount from Wizards of the Coast. It seemed like the comedy podcast The Adventure Zone would have gone a...
Most fantasy RPGs fall somewhere on the spectrum between high fantasy and low fantasy. Different editions of Dungeons & Dragons have been in various spots on this line. There’s a third category that’s seen a comeback in the past few years; weird fantasy. Games like Dungeon Crawl Classics and Numenera have injected a sense of wonder and terror into their worlds that connect to some of the...
Two classic fantasy campaign staples are the local shop and the local inn. Players love to haggle, burgle and peruse the wares of the shopkeeper looking for that great magical item that will make them more effective in a fight or offer a great sideways solution to a problem in a fight. Inns are where players seek out rumors, tell tales of previous adventures or even roll into a classic bar...
Ever since Indiana Jones outran a boulder in the opening minutes of Raiders of the Lost Ark, gamers have been chasing a pulp adventure high. Pulp adventure offers a heightened take on a lot of things players love about Dungeons & Dragons: exotic locations, mystical treasure and a chance to punch some obvious bad guys in the pursuit of both. Two Little Mice, a game design firm out of Italy...
I’m not sure why I like dark fantasy the way I do. Maybe it’s because I fell hard for the World of Darkness in the 90s and just can’t shake it. Maybe I wanted to step away from my Tolkien loving dad but still have something to talk about in our shared nerd heritage. Maybe I just like brooding while crouched on a gargoyle surveying my dark kingdom. One of my favorite systems for dark fantasy...

This Week in TTRPG


Play a vampire and kill nazis in WW2!
You won't survive this tragedy of doomed heroes!
A new spin on a retro form of text adventure games.
A one-shot adventure which evokes the generational horror of Stephen King.

Dungeons & Dragons

Art by Dmitry Burmak.
Dungeon Master’s Guide contains a sample setting—and that setting is, indeed, Greyhawk.
Game Informer has revealed the cover to the 2024 Player’s Handbook.
Possibly the most ecologically-friendly Intriguing Organization yet.
Beholder may be the next killer in the multiplayer horror video game
Developer tool released under Open RPG Creator (ORC) License.

Industry News

D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.
Developer tool released under Open RPG Creator (ORC) License.
SRD 5.2 will be released under Creative Commons next year.
One of only two TTRPG creators with four separate million dollar Kickstarters!
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