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Spelljammer The Veil and The Void: Spelljamming in the Feywild and Shadowfell


5e Freelancer
I originally had this idea when the Unearthed Arcana: Travelers of the Multiverse came out, but wanted to wait to see if the official Spelljammer did anything with this concept before homebrewing it. Now that I've skimmed through the books and haven't found any mention of this, I've decided to expand on my initial concept and post it here to see how the community feels about it. If enough people like it, I'll probably turn it into a DMsGuild product and cover it more extensively.

I present The Veil and The Void: Spelljamming in the Feywild and Shadowfell, by Blid Beren, spelljamming extraordinaire and multiversal tour guide.

The Veil and The Void: What Are They?​

Welcome to Wildspace, brave adventurers! The realm of asteroids, planets, and stars! The dwelling place of strange creatures not of your world and interstellar highway to the stars! The sky's the limit for all of the possible worlds you can visit and people you can meet! In the vastness of space, wonders and secrets hide behind every space rock! But there is one wonderful, horrible secret that no one else will tell you of! Though Wildspace borders the Astral Sea, the realm of gods both dead and alive and the gateway to other worlds, Wildspace is still a part of the Material Plane, and thus, still bordered by The Feywild and the Shadowfell. And, not only is it still possible to cross into these planar realms while in Wildspace, but it is also possible to explore unique adventuring locations and meet strange creatures native to Wildspace while in the Feywild or Shadowfell.

These locations are known by unique names to the people of the D&D Multiverse; The Veil is where Wildspace and the Feywild overlap (occasionally called "The Feywildspace" by those that enjoy portmanteaus), and The Void is where Wildspace and the Shadowfell overlap.

The Veil: The Sky of Scintillating Stars​

Fly me to Faerûn,
Let me sail among the stars,
Let me feel what it is like to,

Smoke Archfey's cigars.

Ah, so you have chosen to take a vacation to the Veil? Magnificent choice! Perhaps the most beautiful realm within the entire Multiverse, the Veil is a place like no other. While Wildspace is already filled with a plethora of color and wildlife, the magic of the Feywild enhances the already wondrous realm that is Wildspace. The Veil is an ocean of endless color, filled with brilliant nebulas made of pixie dust, astral auroras that paint the sky (caused by the light of distant solar systems rainbow-shifting through the Astral Sea), and starry the Domains of Delight of space-dwelling Archfey. If the brilliant colors and diverse wildlife of Wildspace amazed you, you'll fall in love with the splendor of The Veil just as quickly as I did!

While The Veil is indeed pulchritudinous, it is more than filled with its share of adventuring hazards. The aloof Archfey, untamed wildlife, strange magical phenomena, hostile Spelljamming ships, and more can all be dangerous obstacles that prevent you from traversing this heavenly realm. And though the Veil's wonder is unrivaled by any other realm I have visited, I would urge caution before booking a vacation to visit. The time-warping nature of the Feywild combined with the time it takes to travel in the realm can cause . . . unexpected increases in the duration of your vacation for those close to you that didn't make the journey with you. And even if you are lucky enough to return from the Veil in your normal time stream, your memories of your visit may end up being, um, well . . . less than complete. But worry not! If you take the proper precautions upon leaving the realm and are able to fend off its dangers, your vacation may go smoothly and you'll have seen the most majestic realm in the Great Wheel!
Example Stellar Domains of Delight:

d6Domain of DelightArchfeyInhabitantsMagical Effects
1Ogygia, a tropical asteroid paradise A beautiful, lonely nymph named Kalypso is imprisoned on the island for crimes long forgotten. Although she is the Archfey of Ogygia and can control its climate and position in the Veil, she cannot leave the island or move it into the Domain of another Archfey. Living unseen servants that serve Kalypso, 50% chance a handsome male hero (elf or human) has been shipwrecked on Ogygia and is not being allowed to leave by Kalypso, who has fallen in love with the dashing heroEntering the Domain of Delight causes Spelljamming Helms to cease to function. While time still passes for those on Ogygia, mortal visitors do not age. Visitors can only leave if Kalypso builds them a magic raft (a rowboat that can fly).
2Aiaia, a wild jungle islandKirki, a space hag of the Unseelie Court that's disguised as a beautiful enchantress that tries to get men to bathe in her cursed fountainWild male wereboars (any humanoid race) and female mages apprenticed to KirkiA magical fountain in the center of the island that curses any that bathe in it with wereboar lycanthropy.
3The Court Under The Stars, an untamed, heavenly forest of eternal twilightMorwel, the Seelie Queen of the Celestial Eladrin, who has temporarily moved her domain from Arborea to the VeilEladrin of all 4 seasons, Morwel's suitors, blink dogs, visitors from Arborea and other celestial realmsAll beasts and monstrosities that dwell in this realm are immediately under the effect of the awaken spell.
4Ao'whetu, a tropical, volcanic archipelagoKe Kowa, a human fisherman followed the stars through a Veil Crossing millennia ago and gradually turned into an Archfey for the starry realm he discovered. Chwinga, human sailors on canoes and sailing ships that regularly pass through Veil Crossings between the Material Plane and FeywildThe bananas, pineapple, and coconut that grow in this realm grant the benefits of eating a goodberry when eaten.
5Honah Lee, an asteroid made of moonrock permanently surrounded by mistA permanently sleeping ancient moonstone dragon named Puff. Puff used to visit the Material Plane to play with a human boy named Jackie, but Jackie died centuries ago. Puff has fallen into a depressive coma in a cave on the asteroid and has not woken since. The bare humanoid skeletons of people that wandered into this domain over the centuries and couldn't escape.While Puff is asleep, no one can escape Honah Lee. This effect can only be ended by killing Puff or finding some way of waking him (possibly through the dream spell).
6Iris, a prismatic comet that's tail leaves a rainbow behind it as it travelsIleen, a Reigar painter that has chosen to make the brilliant sky of the Veil her canvas, controlling the comet as it travels quickly across the Veil1d10 art elemental mascots that dance among the rainbow. Illusion magic that cannot deal damage costs no spell slots while cast in this Domain.

The Void: The Vacuum of Eternal Oblivion​

Black hole sun,
Don't you come,
And fill my soul with pain,
Black hole sun,
Don't you come,
Don't you come,

Don't you come.

So . . . you wish to venture into the Void? Strange choice. It's definitely not my first pick for an adventure. The Void is . . . well, it's not a nice place to visit, to say the absolute least. I've never been a fan of the regular Shadowfell, it's already quite gloomy without the emptiness of Wildspace. Well, if you insist, I guess I can revisit the worst vacation I've ever taken. Just to warn you against traveling there, though.

The Void is dark. Really dark. There is no Sun, no stars to peer through the Astral, and none of the life and energy that is abundant in the Veil. If the Veil is a beautiful daydream, the Void is a living nightmare. The Veil enhances all emotions, including the bad ones, but the Void snuffs them all out and leaves only the melancholic doldrums of death. The necromantic undeath of the Shadowfell corrupts and twists everything alive that stays too long in the Void, including the stars, which it turns into impossibly black, inescapable singularities. While the Void is still inhabited by quite a diverse array of creatures, most of them are either dead, undead, or entirely alien to this reality. Eldritch abominations and undead monsters are more abundant in the Void than anywhere else in the Multiverse. So, if you enjoy being tortured and killed by unspeakable horrors from beyond dark stars, visit the Void. If you enjoy wonderful spacefaring vibrant adventures, visit the Veil!

Oh, and I haven't even mentioned the Sorrowsworn! Do you enjoy being hunted by the physical embodiments of the worst emotions you'll ever experience? Well, in the Void, you can do that while stuck on a small ship floating in a nightmarish hellscape where no one can hear you scream!

So . . . don't go to the Void if you can avoid it. For your own sakes, take my advice and leave that realm of terror and death to the goths and masochists.

Out of character now. That's the concept. I'm honestly surprised that Spelljammer: Adventures in Space made absolutely no mention if it was possible to Spelljam in the Feywild and Shadowfell. What do you think?

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Just to be a voice of dissent here, although I LOVE the ideas you are putting out there, aren't all the planar traveling stuff largely absent from Spelljammer? It's not like you spelljam in the Abyss or other outer planes either. So, no Spelljamming in the Feywild or the Shadowfell does make some sense. If you Spelljam between settings - those settings are all Prime settings.

Gotta leave room for Planescape after all. :)


5e Freelancer
Just to be a voice of dissent here, although I LOVE the ideas you are putting out there, aren't all the planar traveling stuff largely absent from Spelljammer? It's not like you spelljam in the Abyss or other outer planes either. So, no Spelljamming in the Feywild or the Shadowfell does make some sense. If you Spelljam between settings - those settings are all Prime settings.

Gotta leave room for Planescape after all. :)
Not in 5e. In 5e, you have to go through the Astral Sea in order to get from one "Wildspace Section" to another (so, from Greyhawk to Dragonlance, or Exandria to the Forgotten Realms), so you actually have to leave the Material Plane in order to do the main part of Spelljammer.

The Feywild and Shadowfell are easier to get to than Planescape's Outer Planes, too. They're reflections of the Material Plane (like the Ethereal Plane), so it's much easier to get from one of those planes to the others, even from 5e Spelljammer standards. On the Material Plane, you can walk into a Fairy Ring or an extremely dark alleyway at night and end up in the Feywild or Shadowfell. The same thing, if I'm correct, can happen in Wildspace, which is technically still a part of the Material Plane. So while in Wildspace, you could accidentally fly your Spelljamming Ship through some magical nebula or even the Mists of Ravenloft and end up in the Veil or Void (my homebrew names for the Feywild and Shadowfell in Wildspace).


5e Freelancer
gotta love Ao'whetu - and please tell me that the Chwingas wear coconuts as armour and that there is a portal to Lalotai a sub-domain ruled by a giant glam crab
Ao'whetu's chwingas definitely wear coconuts, or at least have their "masks" shaped like coconuts. And a place like Laloti could be a reflected Domain in the Shadowfell that's inhabited by giant, iridescent decapods.
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Unlike earlier editions, 5e Spelljammer sails the astral sea. The astral plane is a realm of thought. Wildspace is like a virtual-reality overlay of the material plane.

Likewise, it is hypothetically possible to overlay part of the feywild that overlaps the material plane. It would being in wildspace, and passing thru one of the material fey crossings into the feywild. The wildspacer could pass thru too, enter the feywild, but all of this is actually happening virtually within the astral plane.

The samething can happen if enter the shadowfell from the material.

The planes are like layers on top of each other. But the astral plane is on top of them all.


These are great ideas and the names are super evocative. I don't think anything in D&D is nearly as rigid as folks seem to think. If you want wildspace to have a version of the Feywild or Shadowfell, why not? Rule of cool. Even if Wizards explicitly said no that's not how it works I would ignore it for the fun alone. Heck I'd bring back crystal spheres if I didn't think drifting into the astral sea was an improvement (in fact in my campaign some wildspace systems are surrounded in crystal spheres, Eberron for one).


5e Freelancer
These are great ideas and the names are super evocative. I don't think anything in D&D is nearly as rigid as folks seem to think. If you want wildspace to have a version of the Feywild or Shadowfell, why not? Rule of cool. Even if Wizards explicitly said no that's not how it works I would ignore it for the fun alone. Heck I'd bring back crystal spheres if I didn't think drifting into the astral sea was an improvement (in fact in my campaign some wildspace systems are surrounded in crystal spheres, Eberron for one).
Thank you! I'm glad you like the ideas and names (I came up with "The Void" really quickly, but "The Veil" is a recent addition).

I like Crystal Spheres, just not the 2e version of them where every system has one, and stars are just random portals/dots on the inside of them. I actually quite like the Crystal Sphere tie-in to the Dawn War made in the Doomspace section of the Light of Xaryxis.

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