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  1. DrunkonDuty

    Table Snacks

    Well... yes and no. I once ate so many wasabi peas I burned off my taste buds. They grew back.
  2. DrunkonDuty

    Pendragon 6th edition has a release date: June 12th 2024

    Looking forward to it too. I wonder how long it will take before some copies show up in Australia.
  3. DrunkonDuty

    What is/are your most recent TTRPG purchase(s)?

    Oh wow. There is so much cool stuff there. And in a good cause. I'm in.
  4. DrunkonDuty

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    1980's Urban Fantasy Murder investigation, cursed - no lying.
  5. DrunkonDuty

    What Is Your Favorite Campaign Setting?

    In no particular order: Legend of the Five Rings - Rokugan Ars Magica - Mythic Earth Shadowrun - The 4th World (4th? Maybe it was The 5th World. I don't remember.) Any generic fantasy - Greyhawk Marvel FASERIP - Marvel Universe Champions - Champions Universe Honourable Mentions - Pendragon's...
  6. DrunkonDuty

    D&D General Mark Finn: All Gaming is Pastiche

    PASTICHE!?!? How dare you. My games are all bespoke creations with emotional depth and true artistic merit. And many, many bum jokes.
  7. DrunkonDuty

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    I agree in general. Hell, also in the specifics. Disclaimer: I'm not a DnD guy. Haven't played it since 3rd ed. What I know of 5e comes mostly from playing Baldur's Gate 3. I think there's more than enough space in DnD to justify things like: Genre books that set out things like level limits...
  8. DrunkonDuty

    D&D 5E "I am not magical, but I use magic." - The Mundane Mystics

    I've known some players who shared the same attitude.
  9. DrunkonDuty

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    I have so not read 85 pages of this thread. Isn't the level of awesome for any character going to be highly campaign dependent? In some campaigns PC fighter types are Heracles and Rama. In some they're Aragorn and Gawain. In yet others they're the 4 musketeers. Admittedly DnD straight out of...
  10. DrunkonDuty

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    I would kick them squar in the nuts.
  11. DrunkonDuty

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Baby stolen, blessed, then returned.
  12. DrunkonDuty

    D&D General Does anyone else title their D&D sessions?

    Since last time I've run: A Family Affair The Old Main Drag Let's Lynch the Landlord Murderview with a Vampiress (pt.1) Austen Interlude (A Flashback) Murderview with a Vampiress (pt.2) Kissing Frogs Not sure what to call the next one. The PCs must kidnap the infant daughter of the US...
  13. DrunkonDuty

    From Bespoke to Universal: Let's Talk About TTRPG Systems and Themes

    A while back I had a conversation here on the forums in which I noodled through some thoughts about using "soap points" as a meta currency for Hero System. After a bit noodling I realised I'd just re-invented fate points and dropped it. But I later thought, that's not actually a bad thing. Fate...
  14. DrunkonDuty

    Worlds of Design: How Original Is Your Homebrew?

    I think I can say without fear that I do nothing original in my games.
  15. DrunkonDuty

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Urban Fantasy Agreed kidnap baby for witch.
  16. DrunkonDuty

    From Bespoke to Universal: Let's Talk About TTRPG Systems and Themes

    Universal systems have their uses. Mainly, you only need to know one system. e.g.: Hero System was designed to allow for the anything goes world of supers it's very handy for doing other genres. One can use the system as the, for want of a better term, engine on which to run other genres. And...
  17. DrunkonDuty

    D&D General If faith in yourself is enough to get power, do we need Wizards and Warlocks etc?

    One can simply swear the oath to oneself. But doing so is not some simple "mutter a magic phrase and magic happens," pallies aren't wizards/clerics/druids/sorcerers. They gotta work for their abilities by carrying out some serious self-cultivation. It's all about a very real, very difficult...
  18. DrunkonDuty

    How Crunchy is Too Crunchy, For You Personally

    I like a bit of crunch. Game mechanics are tools with which I manipulate the game. But the crunch should be simple enough to not slow down the game too much. (all very subjective I know.) To give a sense - I like HERO. Most of the crunch is pre-loaded in char-gen. During game play it's mostly...
  19. DrunkonDuty

    How Visible To players Should The Rules Be?

    As a few other posters have pointed out up thread, there's a difference between the rules of the game and specific, in-game knowledge. All players should have access to the all the rules that they want. Everyone should have the opportunity to know, for example, what fire resistance 30 means. Or...