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  1. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Well, it's funny because as I said SA wasn't always reliable as they wanted to be. Not trying to make that big of a thing of it, but SA really should only be taken for what the name says it is - advice. Despite it having the stamp of being "official" answers to rules questions they were...
  2. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Not a good suggestion. Sage Advice too frequently did not give sage advice. :cautious:
  3. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    I seem to recall that they clarified (probably Sage Advice) that once you've INITIALLY qualified for a class, you're good. You can't LOSE qualification because of ability score point loss. I think the question had been posed in relation to being multi-classed and supposedly losing one of those...
  4. Man in the Funny Hat

    TSR Best Way to Replicate AD&D?

    I really enjoy 1E AD&D. It's not all because of nostalgia (but it helps). I would happily railroad new players into enjoying it with me upon pain of death - but then they'd have me there to help them get past all the foofaraw. For anyone trying to get into AD&D (even 2E) on their own it will...
  5. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    I don't favor obscure rules at all. :) Rules, if they are going to be relevant in the first place, should be known by everyone, as readily apparent as possible, and easily found in any case. If they are going to be overlooked or ignored they have no purpose in existing and should actually be...
  6. Man in the Funny Hat

    OSR How much does your party use Retainers, Henchmen and Strongholds?

    Well, they use henchmen and hirelings very little if at all - UNLESS they establish a class-related stronghold or maintain some kind of real-estate holding prior to that. It's not uncommon for the players to do that - pool their resources and take over the first decent sized and located castle...
  7. Man in the Funny Hat

    OSR What's the best introductory BX/OSR scenario for new players and DMs?

    Frankly, I've always been happy with a no-holds-barred bar fight. Or a set of caves with a bunch of goblins or orcs or whatever. "Your PC's have ALREADY met and are hanging out/traveling together. Regardless, now you're HERE and this is the situation. GO." You don't need a whole, 24-page...
  8. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    Play an OLDER edition.
  9. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    Didn't read the whole thread, but the answer is E6.
  10. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    For what it's worth... And one of the reasons for that - to MY understanding, and I could be wrong - was that at name/title level (if not before) players would still retire/semi-retire their characters and start playing another one, or at the very least that was largely the expectation of...
  11. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    Casting arcane magic in armor is a HUGE benefit and ultimately rather unbalanced. It's especially hard to take in light of the fact that being a multi-class thief or rogue has VERY solid armor restrictions for any of the thief-rogue class activities whereas weirdly, casting arcane spells...
  12. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    IIRC the Dragon article was also later anointed by TSR as being the official solution. What Gary himself almost certainly did was what he thought was reasonable at any given moment - if it even came up as a problem. This was an issue that came up mostly because of other people's monster...
  13. Man in the Funny Hat

    Ship-based adventures

    I would argue Spelljammer is in the indicated genre.
  14. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E AD&D players and referees, what do you think of ascending AC?

    Been playing D&D since 1976 or so and effectively 1E since the MM publication in 1977. Descending AC is not really a difficulty for any child old enough/smart enough to be able to grasp negative integer math. Is it more cumbersome than ascending AC? Sure. Is it worth the effort to reverse...
  15. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Treasure "hidden by invisibility"

    Isn't that what's meant by having EGG on your face? :confused:
  16. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 1E Treasure "hidden by invisibility"

    Yeah, pretty much this. There isn't even a variation on invisibility (that I know of) that can make objects invisible, so it's pretty much DM fiat that it's invisible, not any spell or item that makes it invisible. Aaaaaand, I take issue with published modules or DM-created adventures where...
  17. Man in the Funny Hat

    D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

    My insufficient adoration of 5E existed well before my severe distaste for WotC was built by them. So far for the entirety of 5E I've actually made just three purchases. WotC's actions have really only caused me to decide to continue that dearth of consumer support, not initiate it.
  18. Man in the Funny Hat

    WotC Milestone leveling in WotC editions?

    I don't recall ever seeing formal rules or published guidelines which suggested anything like milestone leveling. Not until 2E do I recall seeing any kind of significant proposals in the rules of changing default XP awards or procedures AT ALL. During the 2E era I may have seen less than a...
  19. Man in the Funny Hat

    OSR What Do You prefer 1E vs 2E

    Gah! Yeah, I forgot 2E does that (haven't actually played 2E in 20 years when 3E replaced it, but played it exclusively from its release up to that point). Pretty sure I've made that error before... Principle STILL applies though, even if it's in reverse. By default 1E only considers totals...
  20. Man in the Funny Hat

    OSR What Do You prefer 1E vs 2E

    1) 1E. I think this needs clarifying though. BASE 1E wasn't so much generous in general in regards to MC clerics (denying cleric as a class to most non-human PC's!), however it was inexplicably generous in regards to HALF ELF multi-class clerics where HALF of their MC combinations are...