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Search results

  1. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    This is not an experience you should be repeating over and over. I mean that as in you do not deserve it, and it should not be happening so often to you. If there are any DMs running games that can give ER a better experience that is more collaborative, it would be great for the opportunity to...
  2. jgsugden

    What TTRPGs have the best tactical combat rules?

    You're mistaken. You're making a request, and we're deciding whether to offer up something in request. Being rude makes that decision easier. 5E. Rules as detailed as they need to be addresses your concern. They're best because they're neither overly burdensome nor too vague. If that isn't...
  3. jgsugden

    What TTRPGs have the best tactical combat rules?

    You kind of need to define best as it is really subjective. Some rule sets are very realistic - but overly burdensome in details. Some are not so realistic, but facilitate better combat storytelling with rules that cover cinematic activity (like swinging from chandeliers, doing flips to avoid...
  4. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    Might I suggest that you're playing with too small a band of DMs? While I have encountered these people - I do not play in their games long. My approach has been: 1.) Make suggestions. 2.) Demo the suggestions by offering to run a one shot and asking them to give me feedback on what they...
  5. jgsugden

    D&D General Joe Manganiello: Compares Early 5E to BG 3 . How Important is Lore?

    This is kind of an odd thing for him to talk about considering his statements about his Dragonlance show - how he'd come up with all new ideas on dragons, etc...
  6. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    Again, telling us you have done nothing to understand optimization, then turning around and lecturing on it ... is an odd choice. However, as a reminder, the definition of optimization is the action of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource. As such, it is about...
  7. jgsugden

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    I think you're misreading slightly - all of it, including the bottom banner - is the part giving offense and that looks cheap and click-bait. The bottom banner is not the worst offender, but is offensive enough on its own.
  8. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    Check. You don't know anything about optimization, yet talk about it authoritatively. Noted. Check. You didn't bother trying to understand a post and discarded it because it didn't seem to align to your understanding. Got it. OK, I do now see your trouble in understanding the idea of...
  9. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    First - I agree that a CR 3 monster being assassinated by a 3rd level assassin before it can act is reasonable (for some CR 3 monsters), at least. The PC is an assassin - and that is a way for them to be an assassin and feel like an assassin. However, your general statement is not a great look...
  10. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    I would characterize it as efficient, for the time, but a long shot from optimized. I could do a heck of a lot better ... although I would never go 100% rogue on any optimized build. The class, in general, is weaker than other classes. The most important round of any combat is the first - and...
  11. jgsugden

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    Opinions can differ. However, it was notable enough for many people to come here and generate the longest thread we've seen in a long time on the Met Forum - and in record time. This is clearly significant to many people, whether you think it is a "shrug" or not.
  12. jgsugden

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    Think about it in the context of a site you're visiting for the first time. The second you see those types of ads, if you're like most people, it gives you an impression of the site. There are a bunch of old clichés about first impressions - and they exist for a reason. Ad fatigue, intrusive...
  13. jgsugden

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    It blocks whatever is at the bottom of the screen. You can scroll an additional time to get past it (usually), but that can result in you losing part of what you're trying to see on the page. It decreases the functionality of the site, looks really cheap, is very annoying, etc... It may...
  14. jgsugden

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    I hate to speak for him, but I tried to sort through the statements in this thread to figure out what the intent here is: I think (and please correct me if I am wrong): * The banner at the bottom is intended to be there, and Morrus doesn't agree that it is a significant issue...
  15. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    The availability of surprise rounds is almost entirely up to the DM. When I played an assassin early in the 5E era and set up the PC to be an assassin, the DM with which I was playing didn't make it hard for me to set up surprise rounds. I had the high initiative bonus and almost always went...
  16. jgsugden

    D&D General Spell Compendium Apps/Software

    I have been slowly moving my inventory of homebrew from the editions into Excel. I have two tabs - One lists all the spell 'fields' as separate columns, and the other is a one page viewed that allows me to type in the name of a spell and then it looks up the text of the spell and runs a macro...
  17. jgsugden

    D&D 5E Why Is The Assassin Rpgue?

    I am surprised you'd think it was that low of a percentage. I played an assassin early in 5E and it was able to get these bonuses regularly. We usually had me sneak in and do an alpha strike and then lure the enemy to us on our terms. Most recently I had an archer build add 3 levels of...
  18. jgsugden

    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    You're out of line telling me what I can and can't be confident in based upon my personal experience. You were not there and can't judge my relationship with Dave by a few sentences in a message post. I was careful about what I said, and I meant every word of it. Further, you told me I...
  19. jgsugden

    Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

    I played D&D with Dave Scott for a few years in multiple campaigns. I consider us friends. We've argued, laughed, argued some more, and covered the entire spectrum of interactions that come with years of role playing. Despite not seeing each other face to face in a few years, I consider Dave...
  20. jgsugden

    D&D General The Mysterious Isle & Eye of Xxiphu - Time Travel Query

    Are you actively planning on killing the PCs just to pull this off? It seems like something unlikely to take place - certainly not likely enough that I'd go to people to advice should it happen. You're talking about two specific PCs out of the party being the ones that die.