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  1. Oofta

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    From IGN, the cover of the 2025 Monster Manual! @Morrus
  2. Oofta

    D&D General Why I love Point Buy or Array when creating a PC

    I've always disliked rolling for ability scores even back before there was point buy. Back in the day we were always "generous" with our rolls, allowing for adjustments such as subtract from one ability to add to another, etc. If you wanted to play a paladin you didn't bother rolling for...
  3. Oofta

    D&D General Finally, a real explanation of HP!

    From 1287 Play the Hits - Giant in the Playground Games
  4. Oofta

    D&D (2024) 2024 Core rule book changes

    I thought this was an interesting article D&D’s revised core rulebooks will help grow better players and more Dungeon Masters. A lot of this has been discussed here and there before, but some of it was new to me. In any case the highlights PHB 320 pages, much of it due to new art and layout...
  5. Oofta

    How many companies have revenue over 750k that use the OGL?

    I was curious. How many companies would actually have to pay royalties? Not whether they should or should not, but assuming for a moment that in 6 months companies have to start reporting revenue who does this affect? How much impact does it really have?
  6. Oofta

    D&D General Life-size Quasit from WizKids

    Apparently you can now have your very own life sized Quasit from Wizkids for "only" $475. Can't quite decide if it's awesome or just creepy as heck. Would make an interesting Halloween decoration though.
  7. Oofta

    D&D 5E What is Quality?

    So this seems to come up on a regular basis. People say that 5E is not a quality product, I respond that millions of people disagree then out comes the retort "popularity is not quality". I don't get it. D&D is a product. The goal of the team developing it was to create something that would...
  8. Oofta

    D&D General Campaign theme song?

    For my wife's campaign she had my nephew (thanks Nick!) record a song for us: . I got a kick out of it and thought I'd share. Anyone else have anything fun like this?
  9. Oofta

    D&D 5E Buying magic items, yes or no?

    This came up in another thread and I was curious how other people handled it. I don't think there's any right or wrong answer here, unlike some previous editions the magic mart is obviously not the default. I'm not talking about things like common potions of healing here, rather anything from...
  10. Oofta

    D&D General DM Authority

    This came up on another thread, but there's a lot of things going on over there so I thought I'd repost. How do you view DM authority? Some people say that they feel that "DM as ultimate authority" is outdated, but what does that really mean? According to the rules, the DM is the final...
  11. Oofta

    D&D General Illithid exist in the Star Wars universe?

    the-mandalorian-dungeons-and-dragons-mind-flayer Hmmm ... so does this mean that light sabers will soon be on an official equipment list? I did have to fight someone with a faulty breathing apparatus back in the day, so maybe we were just ahead of our time. Or could we see a Star...
  12. Oofta

    D&D 5E Countering Rest Spells (Tiny Hut, Rope Trick, et al)

    Instead of continuing to hi-jack the other top-hated spells thread, I thought I'd start a thread on spells that allow you to rest. The poster child for this is the Tiny Hut, but there's also Rope Trick and Magnificent Mansion. Personally, I've never found these too troubling because they're...
  13. Oofta

    D&D 5E PEL Encounter Calculator

    Oofta submitted a new resource: PEL Encounter Calculator - Encounter Calculator Read more about this resource...
  14. Oofta

    D&D General How would you handle this encounter?

    I wanted to share a slightly edited/abbreviated/simplified/paraphrased version of a recent encounter. I'm curious how other people would have run this or similar scenarios. I know I don't own the thread, but I was curious to see if we could just discuss a simple example or provide other brief...
  15. Oofta

    D&D 5E How do you handle insight?

    There was another thread that linked to a blog by Angry DM that, among other things said that in order to play D&D 5E the "proper" way a player will never state "I make an insight check". This is something that happens now and then in my game. If it wasn't for message boards I would never...
  16. Oofta

    Arr me maties, here there be ships!

    In case others haven't seen this, there's a UA article for ships and the sea here. Looks pretty straightforward. At first glance, it was a bit odd that ships have ability scores (int, wisdom and charisma are 0) where a ship’s Strength represents its size and weight. Dexterity represents a...
  17. Oofta

    D&D 5E How Many Point Buy Options

    EDIT OK, so I shouldn't post and go to bed. :blush: Looks like I had a minor glitch (thanks m00) and missed a few entries. Updated below On (yet) another thread about point buy vs rolling I made the claim that if you wanted to follow point buy but still be random, you could create a list of...
  18. Oofta

    D&D 5E Menacing and Diplomat from UA Skill Feats

    I would like to have a simple discussion about these feats without all the hyperbole that infected the other thread. Probably not possible. :D If you haven't already, you can see the pdf at UA-SkillFeats.pdf Assumption 0: Just to get it out of the way, obviously I can modify rules as a DM to...
  19. Oofta

    D&D 5E BattleMaster vs Champion, an analysis

    OK, first off I want to state that I don't really care that much about DPR. I think both the Champion and BattleMaster are fine classes. Even if BattleMaster does a little more damage based on your assumptions, I think people underestimate the superior athlete, additional fighting style and...
  20. Oofta

    D&D 5E How do you generate ability scores for PCs?

    I don't want to start another point buy vs roll thread, but I was curious how people generate ability scores. I've always been a fan of some variation of point buy, but I've also done a lot of living campaign games.