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  1. toucanbuzz

    D&D General Dwarven adventures recommendations

    Looking to craft a network of lost dwarven towns, forts and crossroads during a portion of our campaign wherein the party is tracking clues to follow someone through a vast network of a dwarven empire long ago overrun, connected once by a massive underground road system. If familiar with Dragon...
  2. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Blanking on my finale Dragonlance battle this weekend

    So short notice, as I procrastinated at the end of a year-long Dragonlance campaign (wherein we ran the original modules converted, with Level Up for characters), the players made it to the finale. And, while I have the "as written" part, it's not the climatic ultra-conflict boss battle that I...
  3. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E It was almost epic when...

    ...in our last Dragonlance (5E converted) session, the party brought a Dragon Orb into the heart of Sanction, epicenter for the Dark Queen's armies...and when things were looking really bad, almost used it, then chickened out (because they know the orbs are insanely crazy to control, having used...
  4. toucanbuzz

    Quick & Memorable NPCs in 1 page

    toucanbuzz submitted a new resource: Quick & Memorable NPCs in 1 page - Rule of 3: visual, auditory, mannerism Read more about this resource...
  5. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Bragging on my players

    Last session, the players spent some hard earned cash on a bag of holding. They advised, as a player group, that too many puzzles and obstacles in our last campaign were overcome by shoving people into the bag of holding (e.g. one person flies across a chasm). I advised that we were using some...
  6. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Adapting Combat on the Go

    Thought I'd share from last session and see if anyone else has a story to share. Running a 5E conversion of Dragonlance, and at the bottom of Skullcap the 6th level party tangled with a CR10 wizardly apparition, immune to normal weapons. Skullcap was a ruined centuries-old base where the wizard...
  7. toucanbuzz

    Dragonlance Wizard of High Sorcery Test

    toucanbuzz submitted a new resource: Dragonlance Wizard of High Sorcery Test - A test for a 4th level wizard and their entire party Read more about this resource...
  8. toucanbuzz

    Level Up (A5E) Barbarians without "reckless attack"

    We've started our Dragonlance campaign (pure coincidence with Morrus's timing!), and my gamers have been used to 5E rules. Our "barbarian" gamer hit level 2 and realized the 5E feature of "reckless attack" no longer exists, instead replaced with a 5% chance to have a hit do something special...
  9. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Dominate Person vs. Suggestion

    Last session ran into a scenario where dominate person conflicted with a suggestion. I wonder if I was going to rule it fairly. See below. BBEG cast dominate person on a PC who carried a weapon artifact that was a piece of the BBEG. If the BBEG could reunite with the weapon, it would become...
  10. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E 2-year campaign coming to a close, closing thoughts

    In 3 decades of DMing, I've had 3 campaigns in any edition go 2+ years, 15+ levels, AND completion. This, for good or ill, will be #4 (even if there's failure, the campaign will have its own unique ending). We started a Kingmaker (5E conversion of a Paizo adventure path where players build a...
  11. toucanbuzz

    Homebrew Spell changes from 5E to A5E

    toucanbuzz submitted a new resource: Spell changes from 5E to A5E - Cheat sheet for what spells were altered from 5E to A5E Read more about this resource...
  12. toucanbuzz

    Level Up (A5E) Changes in 5E to A5E spells

    I saw this thread awhile back and no followup about spells that were changed. So, I compared, dividing the spell changes into: Major (overhaul and/or major change in gameplay). Included a summary of the changes, not the entire spell. Minor (1-2 changes, largely the same spell, mostly "cast at...
  13. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E Above and beyond the printed text, OR how 5E monsters don't need new abilities, just a dynamic battlefield

    This came up in last session's game, so thought I'd share a bit of DM advice. There's been much debate over how few abilities many monsters have in the Monster Manual. While that may be true, if you're not keen on re-writing your MM, just spruce up your battles on the fly with a dynamic...
  14. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E NPC random traits on the fly, 1 page

    Good NPCs can make your game world come alive. Years ago, Dragon Magazine created a % table of traits like tries to sell you something, then ran an article about 3 simple categories to make memorable, believable NPCs with no advance preparation: Visual (first impression such as a really bad...
  15. toucanbuzz

    Dragonlance Accents and Style of Speech (e.g. Dragonlance setting)

    Our next campaign will take us to Krynn and a return to a world I haven't visited for a long time. I like to make worlds come alive by including details such as styles of speech, mannerisms, and so on. I don't do accents, but I sat down and found I couldn't find anything to say what makes the...
  16. toucanbuzz

    D&D 5E When you've made the battle too much to handle...

    Been doing this for a long time, but inevitably there will come a time when you'll setup a battle that you thought was appropriate and it's simply too much for the PCs to handle. I'm at that moment, between sessions, looking for advice, with what I thought was a deadly, but manageable, boss...
  17. toucanbuzz

    Dragonlance Dragonlance - Dragons of Despair alternate start

    Two things to accomplish with this post. (1) Share an idea for any DL enthusiasts and (2) seek out ideas to convert spell slots to abilities for divine characters who don't get their powers to start the game but should be able to do something. DLE1, Dragons of Despair, is an AD&D adventure...
  18. toucanbuzz

    Dragonlance Dragonlance Moon Magic in 5E (conversion)

    I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2 often sums up my gaming experience. My players are off to Dragonlance in several months when we finish our current campaign, and here's my proposed Moon Magic rules (for those not in the know, arcane casters of the setting are affected by the...
  19. toucanbuzz

    Dragonlance Dragonlance races/heritages converted, help needed

    I'm working on a Dragonlance Campaign using Level Up beta rules, but there's a few races that I had to work largely from scratch. Absent the future product to "build your own," anyone have opinions mechanically if the 3 attached races/heritages are balanced, work, need improved? I've got kender...
  20. toucanbuzz

    Dragonlance Pitching Dragonlance to new players

    I polled my gamers about where'd they like our next adventures to take place and what kind. No matter their age, not a one has played anything before 5E (I'm from the AD&D days), but they seem to enjoy the mystery behind why lots of people were, or are, excited about these other settings they've...