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  1. Ruin Explorer

    Your most pointless TV/movie/book nitpicks

    I wanted to start a thread about your pointless and ridiculous nitpicks of TV shows, movies and books. This includes ones where you nitpicked something but turned out to be wrong about it! Those are welcome! Serious, genuine plotholes and real problems, nah, I want pointless and precise little...
  2. Ruin Explorer

    Reviews that didn't age well.

    So I found this truly remarkable review of Good Omens, the novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, from 1990, in the New York Times. It is worth reading for the sheer level of "Oh my god". https://www.nytimes.com/1990/10/07/books/the-four-bikers-of-the-apocalypse.html I particularly enjoyed...
  3. Ruin Explorer

    D&D (2024) Memorize Spell is one of the most obnoxious abilities I've ever seen, despite being perfectly on-theme (Packet 7)

    So Wizard got a new ability in the UA and it's an absolute doozy: You might be thinking, well what's so bad about that? It just lets me prepare for a combat I know is coming and get the right spell for it. Oh no my friend, that the weakest and least-objectionable use-case for this ability...
  4. Ruin Explorer

    D&D (2024) What would you actually want from an arcane half-caster in 1D&D PHB?

    What would you actually want from an arcane half-caster in 1D&D PHB? Tell me if there are missing choices I need to add, I'll be around for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Ruin Explorer

    D&D (2024) Bard Playtest discussion

    Making a thread to discuss the changes to Bards specifically, hopefully others can make them for other classes. Will edit in the changes I note as I go through: 1) Changed from Simple + trad Bard weapons to just Simple weapons. Odd change because an awful lot of Bards use Rapiers, but a...
  6. Ruin Explorer

    Kotaku's list of top TT RPGs/supplements for 2022

    Kotaku published it's list of top TT RPGs and supplements for 2022. Morrus may be rather pleased by the very first one listed and the extremely glowing description of it - Level Up 5E! The article is here: The 10 Best Tabletop Roleplaying Books Of 2022 I think the only one I'd question was...
  7. Ruin Explorer

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E - does it play better than it looks at first glance + guides/resources for new DMs

    So I realized I actually have PF2E and a fair bit of material for it via Humble Bundle and my brother, and honestly, I'm a little bored of 5E, but don't want to go for a drastically less crunchy system like Dungeon World at the moment. Also I've heard good things about the monsters, as compared...
  8. Ruin Explorer

    D&D General Being enjoyably outsmarted by your players

    I was thinking back to 2E a lot, and I used to DM for a group including my brother (who is currently my DM), and about 4E, where a particularly clever friend of mine used to play (sadly he is abroad atm), and remembering some of the particularly enjoyable times I had where I thought, I, as the...
  9. Ruin Explorer

    D&D 5E The reincarnate table is an interesting thing

    I was looking at the reincarnate table and it's kind of fascinating. 21% chance to be "another bloody elf", 20% chance to be a human, 17% chance to be a Dwarf, 16% chance to be a Halfling, 10% chance to Gnome, and 4% each for Dragonborn, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, and Tiefling d100 - Race: 01-04...
  10. Ruin Explorer

    D&D 5E What previous-edition D&D settings, races, classes, items, weapons and so on do you think we'll never see in 5E?

    So as the title says, what are the previous-edition (including OD&D, RC D&D, etc.) settings, classes, races, items, and so on that you think we definitely won't see in 5E, and if you like, why? Non-serious answers are entirely acceptable, but I am interested to hear the serious ones too...
  11. Ruin Explorer

    D&D 5E Everything wrong with the Wizard Psionics subclass

    The new Psionic subclass for Wizards in the current UA is easily the most half-done and ill-considered UA I've seen so far, which is saying something, as UA has ranged between brilliant and pretty awful. It reads like "My boss told me to do this so I will just hurry through it and not think...
  12. Ruin Explorer

    Quoted in thread "Hidden" O.o

    Apparently pemeton and Umbran are quoting me in thread "Hidden" (which I cannot click on!). I can't seem to match up the times being shown for the quotes with posts from either of you, either! Is something exciting going on, or am I just not seeing a thread title for some trivial reason (like I...
  13. Ruin Explorer

    Pathfinder question thread moved to builds

    Please excuse me, but can a mod explain why my thread as moved? Thread here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?357358-Making-a-PF-Bard-haven-t-really-played-PF-before-(but-3-XE-sure)-anything-I-should-keep-an-eye-out-for As you can see, I am not asking primarily for...
  14. Ruin Explorer

    Making a PF Bard, haven't really played PF before (but 3.XE, sure), anything I should keep an eye out for?

    I'm talking tricky rules changes from 3.XE, advice on building a Bard in PF (I like to optimize, but not to the point where it gets tasteless - I noticed that the Archivist archetype seemed a bit OP/cheesy, so avoiding that), stuff I should know about Golarion that might not be obvious, etc...
  15. Ruin Explorer

    D&D 5E So what happened to like, the PrCs/Paragon classes and the multi-class classes?

    I mean, obviously, I don't expect a solid answer, but having followed 5E for it's entire history, it seems like two things they used to talk about quite a lot have gone MIA - specifically PrCs/Paragon classes - i.e. classes you go into at a level above first, and one thing Mearls was talking...
  16. Ruin Explorer

    D&D 5E 5th Edition semi-gonzo Class review - October playtest, non-caster edition.

    So first off let me make it clear I quite like a lot of elements of 5E's design, contrary to what some people might guess, including much of the class design. I was re-reading the October playtest recently, and was quite impressed with some of the design (mostly favourably), and wanted to...
  17. Ruin Explorer

    D&D 5E Interview with Wolfgang Baur and Steve Winter about their 5E adventures.

    You can find it here - some quasi-spoilers so potential players might want to stay away: http://io9.com/the-new-d-d-adventures-will-include-all-the-dragons-1583844915 Interesting stuff, I thought, possibly even worth buying which is not something I expected to ever feel again about an...
  18. Ruin Explorer

    Dual nature of all classes - except Ranger and Rogue.

    Forked from: FR Preview-Sword Mage and Genasi Yes, I called this a while ago on RPG.net, and it's noticeable that all the dual-natures are pretty obvious, too. It's also noticeable that the Ranger and Rogue don't have them, and to me, this seems like a pretty serious problem. Especially as...
  19. Ruin Explorer

    Forked Thread: KotShadowfell wierdness/plotholes.

    Forked from: The Lethality of Keep on the Shadowfell (Paging Mr. Mearls or Cordell) This isn't the only plot-hole in KotS, but it's a pretty severe one, and I know my players will notice it unless I alter it significantly. It's also the kind of plot-hole that my adventures would have had...
  20. Ruin Explorer

    Should players know minions are minions from a rules/tactics PoV?

    I'm running a minion-heavy game tomorrow, and I'd like to know what the rules crowd think. Should the players know that minions are minions? I ask, because the DMG and MM seem unclear on the matter, yet it seems like a very serious tactical consideration. I mean, there are obvious clues, like...