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Search results

  1. ichabod

    D&D 5E Homebrew Idea: Skill Clocks (+)

    This is a plus (+) thread. This is about how well my homebrew idea for skill clocks works for downtime, and perhaps other applications. If you don’t think downtime should be done with dice rolls, that is a discussion that should be had in another thread. That’s not what this thread is for. I...
  2. ichabod

    D&D General Redoing Dragons in D&D

    The Re-Loring thread made me think of the changes I am planning for dragons in my world. It also made me wonder if and how other people have redone dragons in D&D. This is how I am redoing dragons: Dragons hatch out of eggs as generic "unformed" drakes. They go out and find a territory they...
  3. ichabod

    D&D General DMs: Do you buy and/or run official adventures?

    Since we're arguing about meaningless sales numbers in another thread, I thought we should have some meaningless poll numbers to argue about as well.
  4. ichabod

    Clues vs Downtime

    So I am trying to figure out my next campaign. I would like downtime to be a part of that. However, I tend to make adventures where PCs find clues that lead them to other adventures. If they know where the possible adventures are, most of the players aren't going to want to do downtime. How do...
  5. ichabod

    Malware from the ads?

    Twice while viewing this site since the ad changes, I have had a save dialog open up with a randomly named file with no extension. Something like "Mylgcd". I have not saved these files, but it is making me worried. Has anyone else noticed this?
  6. ichabod

    D&D 5E Underwater Combat

    There is only a teeny little bit about underwater combat in the PHB. This leaves one point of vagueness: What exactly is underwater combat? If both the attacker and the target are underwater, it is obviously underwater combat. But what if only the target is underwater? And what if only the...
  7. ichabod

    What RPGs Should Every Collection Have?

    I'm working on expanding my game collection, and I was wondering what people thought every RPG collection should have. So give me your lists (ranked please). Top 5, top 10, top 20, whatever. In a week or so, I will combine them to get one list. Here's my list: AD&D 1E Toon The Fantasy Trip D&D...
  8. ichabod

    [LFP][Online][5E][EST][SAT 5:30-9:30] Need Player for Ongoing Dungeon of the Mad Mage Campaign

    I am running a Dungeon of the Mad Mage Campaign, and one of our players no longer has the time to commit to a regular D&D game. So we are looking for someone to join part way in. We play Saturday nights from 5:30 until 9:00 or 9:30. We generally try to end around 9:00, but may push it if we are...
  9. ichabod

    It's National Dice Day, Show Off Your Dice

    Here's my dice briefcase: Show us your favorite die, your favorite set, all of 'em, whatever.
  10. ichabod

    Giant Rat Found in the Solomon Islands

    Link to Forbes article. Found eating coconuts on the island of Vangunu, the secret of the giant rats was known only by the villagers. It reads like an adventure for 1st level characters.
  11. ichabod

    When do you eat your main Thanksgiving meal?

    This was a subject of much discussion at my sister's place today, and was of particular interest to a rather hungry niece. So I thought I would see what other people do.
  12. ichabod

    What would you spend $5,000 on?

    Say you got $5,000 to spend. And say you got more than that, and you already took care of any savings, investment, or charity concerns you need to take care of. You have $5,000 to spend on fun stuff. What would you buy?
  13. ichabod

    How do deal with players who don't search?

    The thread about the player who loves evil characters reminded me of my problem players. I've been playing with them since I got back into D&D at the start of the pandemic. But they are oblivious. The first thing we did was go through the Yawning Portal adventures in a home brew world I threw...
  14. ichabod

    Do you love Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension?

    I was watching an interview with Clancy Brown, the actor who played Rawhide in Buckaroo Banzai, and he said something like "people who love this film judge other people by whether or not they love this film." Right then one of the voices in my head (probably belonging to a Blue Blazer Irregular)...
  15. ichabod

    D&D 5E How should spells be organized?

    I'm making my own variant of 5E based on the SRD, because the world obviously needs another 5E variant. I want it to be well organized, and I'm starting to review the spells, and I've heard people complain that the spell descriptions should have been sorted by level, then alphabetical. I'm not...
  16. ichabod

    D&D 5E What's the Best Third Party 5E Campaign on Roll20?

    I'm looking for a new 5E campaign to run, the longer the better, and I use Roll20. I've run all the WotC ones I want to run. Anyone got any good suggestions for campaigns to run?
  17. ichabod

    D&D General D&D on Death Row

    I saw an article in the New York Times today about death row inmates playing D&D (It was done in conjunction with the Marshall Project, and I linked to the article on that site). They find it to be rather therapeutic, and a way to deal with the isolation caused by solitary confinement. Anyway, I...
  18. ichabod

    D&D 5E Dice Roller Feedback Wanted

    I am working on a web app that is a DM's aid for D&D 5e. It's based on a Python program I already use. With the Python program I just type in the die roll, but for the web app I wanted a GUI for dice rolling. So I wrote one and it is on my website. So if you have some time, please check it out...
  19. ichabod

    DM's: What was your favorite NPC?

    One time my players did something incredibly stupid, which would have been a TPK, but I let it slide. So I ended up having to improvise a character, and he ended up mumbling. And one of my players hated it. Now, this was not my favorite NPC, but I built on it to make Creech and Lowbrow. Creech...
  20. ichabod

    D&D General What Would a Dragonborn Werewolf Look Like?

    I have a situation where my players might run into a dragonborn werewolf. But what does a dragonborn werewolf look like? Does the fur replace the scales? Does the fur poke out between the scales? I'm having trouble coming up with a description that I like. Any good ideas out there?