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Recent content by GMforPowergamers

  1. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General (SPOILERS for Vecna: Eve of Ruin) Are My Standards Too High for Adventures?

    I always ask "Once we have 1 piece and we keep it, doesn't that mean we don't need to race for the others, they will have to come to us?"
  2. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General (SPOILERS for Vecna: Eve of Ruin) Are My Standards Too High for Adventures?

    that was the first adventure that I felt let down by back in the 90s
  3. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General (SPOILERS for Vecna: Eve of Ruin) Are My Standards Too High for Adventures?

    lets face it... if we as a community were not going to give huge pass after huge pass to WotC for things they did wrong, we wouldn't be here or playing D&D...
  4. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General (SPOILERS for Vecna: Eve of Ruin) Are My Standards Too High for Adventures?

    You missed my biggest gripe... my buddy bought it both on roll20 and book same day. he planed to run a homebrew from 5-8 then start it a little early. he read it and was like "Never mind this wont work." he asked in theory if... and described the set up and me and another (so 1/3+ of the group)...
  5. GMforPowergamers

    D&D 4E How hard 4e common core/SRD?

    They at least hinted (I wont get into the argument of weather they lied or promised or anything) that older editions would go Core and SRD... 4e is my favorite edition, and even as I see people on here work on alterations and I still have my old old character builder (Until that old laptop...
  6. GMforPowergamers

    D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +

    since no one in Martial Arts can understand the 5ft as anything realistic for range, I don't see why we couldn't cut it down to 1yard/meter with a 'close enough'
  7. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General Millennial D&D (+)

    everyone gets a "you are a winner point" at every long rest, you can't spend them they are useless and do nothing... but you get them edit: oh and the devs that made the "you are a winner point" will also complain "this is why everyone is lazy, they all get winner points"
  8. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    going back to 1995-1997 I was learning and running 2e... my first 2 campaigns (both I was DM) we had things written as THac0 17 +6 to hit +8 to damage 1d8. then two new players came in and said "We add it all up front" and that same line would read Thac0 17/11 1d8+8 (the 11 is 17-6) so just...
  9. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    one of those things I think could have evolved from 4e would be if you look at the psychic classes having at will and power points that can augment those power at wills and then the slayer/knight getting add +1w encounter powers to really play with keeping things close to AUED but still in...
  10. GMforPowergamers

    D&D 5E Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks Would Like To Explore Kara-Tur

    my money is on if they did a Kara tur it would be shredded as racist... like 97.99999% sure no matter what it get shredded... and like 70% sure it will be completely justified.. that little 2.0000001% of it not beiing racist, is completely only Asian creators, and not 1 bit of the feel that...
  11. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I still have players who played 2e before me in 1995, and they ask things like "Why if I am prof in my armor do I not add my prof bonus?"
  12. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I think there should be some stacking... but 3e was so overdone I never even want to think about it again. 4e was better then 3e but still needed some refinement. 5e went too far the other way, but had the right idea. I still hate that bounded accuracy wasn't going back to 2e numbers (no not...
  13. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    going back to the 90's I was on message boards on AOL, and got called out for being a POS DM over this... and today I think I was (In my defense I was 17-18 at the time and only playing for 3 years) I had a campaign where the player collected these magic swords, and armors... then when that...
  14. GMforPowergamers

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    not 5e's biggest supporter here but the frame work is there... take the 4e base and add in adva/disad roll2 take high or low, with effects like bless/guidance/bane that add or subtract a die and make it a little more rounded and it sounds better then adding up +1 from this +2 from that...