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Recent content by ART!

  1. ART!

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Mostly about the minis, really.
  2. ART!

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    I didn't like "Rogue" as much as I've liked every other episode this season, but the Doctor-and-Rogue stuff was great. My complaints are that he tension just wasn't there for me for most of the run-time. I kept expecting another little twist or surprise somewhere. For the record, I think this...
  3. ART!

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    That episode is at the top of my list of ones to suggest to people who have never watched the show - I think it's a top-notch one-shot story and a great example of what the show is like a lot of the time.
  4. ART!

    D&D (2024) Which section of the 2024 PHB will you check out first?

    This is an interesting question! In terms of looking up points of interest, I will flip to the classes - specifically Fighter and Cleric, because those are the classes I know the 2014 version of the best. But I will browse through looking at the art a lot!
  5. ART!

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    She's in such a tenuous position, and when she tries to be assertive she's abandoned. She has to wait patiently and slowly, and carefully maneuver for a moment when she can use that condition with some agency. It's not until the "crone" stage that she fully understands and bring things full...
  6. ART!

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Heard an interesting argument in favor of 73 Yards' unanswered questions: it all started with a fairy ring*, so things are not going to make sense, because that's how the fae work. I also heard a snippet about the episode being a metaphor for how society treats women, but I haven't given this...
  7. ART!

    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    Well, you got me there - I didn't measure their pixel heights. :rolleyes: ("about the same height" is what I said, and having it confirmed by your numbers I'm going to stick with that.)
  8. ART!

    Most Rewatchable MCU Movies

    I think if I were to watch The Eternals again, I would watch it in chunks instead of start to finish. So, I think you're on to something!
  9. ART!

    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    Wow - for me at least, this cover specifically fails to achieve these goals. Making the figures all pretty much the same size does give equal significance to each level of threat, but my first thought when looking at the cover was "well, that's dull". But again, I'm just one nerd, and it's not...
  10. ART!

    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    I'm not in love with this cover, I think because all the figures are about the same size. I feel like it would be more dynamic with more variation there. But it doesn't rally matter to me.
  11. ART!

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    I noticed that she referred to "this timeline" - the timeline she and Ruby were in at that moment. This seemed like a pointed comment, but it might just be a reference to her/UNIT's awareness of varying and shifting timelines. I love that UNIT has training and technology to deal with an array...
  12. ART!

    DUNE Movie: Thoughts, Opinions, and Impressions

    When it came out a couple years ago I saw Dune in IMAX and LOVED it. Denis Villeneuve is one of my favorite directors, and I'm really hoping his Rendezvous with Rama happens. Saw Dune 2 in IMAX, and liked it less. I think everything happening on Arakis made it less interesting for me, and the...
  13. ART!

    Where Do You Get Your Digital (RPG) Books and Materials?

    Well, I basically checked every box except VTTs. I'd like to see Itch.io on the list, though - I have quite a library there, after a few charity bundles, that Shadowdark bundle a while back, and a few things I discovered while looking for something esoteric.
  14. ART!

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    There's one player/DM in our group who will definitely be buying all the new books, and will probably get the versions with the limited edition covers. I can see a smattering of the rest of us buying a smattering of the core books. I won't be surprised if I get one or more for my (November)...
  15. ART!

    Black Flag Tales of the Valiant is out (in PDF)! What do people think?

    Not crazy about making gnomes and halflings into traits of the same lineages, but I get the reasoning. I just feel like there's a better way to do that, but maybe it requires an approach to races that would deviate too far from 5E to be compatible.